These are all the movies and series that Filipe has reviewed. Read more at: Always Good Movies.
Number of movie reviews: 2026 / 2026
Clearly above the average of most of thriller/sci-fi movies, it confirms Rian Johnson as one of the most interesting writers of the moment. I couldn’t fail to mention the little big actor Pierce Gagnon (in the role of Cid), an emerging talent with a bright future in the world of cinema. Review
With its languid sci-fi, the safety may not be guaranteed but a good dose of entertainment surely is. Review
I was anxious for the movie to end, just to confirm that nothing is distinguishable in Savages to deserve a look. Review
The excessive outbursts of violence are the mark of British Kill List, which fits all right in the horror/thriller genre. Review
The plot is not forced, as in some previous works, and the scathing dark humor makes the right balance to the despair conveyed by characters. Review
Honoring the art of theatre and give to these men the chance of dreaming with a better future by exploring their artistic capabilities. An unmatched play! Review
Unforgivable shows baffled feelings within a futile imbroglio of relationships. Review
No need to tell that the formula worked fine once again, even if the plot doesn't show the realism or steady consistency seen in other works. Review
Despite of the efforts made to turn Eden in a realistic and thrilling tale, the truth is that its goals weren't achieved, resulting in a totally forgettable movie. Review
For over two hours we can have an intense but also tiresome experience, testifying a real example of Russian patriotism and resistance. Recommended, for ones who have stomach for heavy content. Review
We can't really say that the movie is incapable of entertaining. What we can say is that it could have been less superficial in many aspects, including its underdeveloped characters and wobbly plot. Review
Basically about her work, yet focusing some important aspects of her private life, it shows with accuracy and objectivity the physical and psychological strength of this fantastic woman. Review
Being heart-breaking and visually stunning, I can point it as one of the best Miike's works, carrying all the glory and honor of a samurai. Review
I believe it could have shown some more nerve in certain details, but has the ability to expose the natural changes that occur in amorous relationships and specially in people who are unsatisfied by nature. Deserves a peek. Review
Sound of My Voice had enough power to make me get in the mood. Everything related with cult groups and the power of persuasion is scary and this movie shows you why. Review
The direction didn’t stand out but Emma Levie’s performance was pretty solid, making our attention directed to her upcoming work... Review
We can complain about the abrupt tragic-comic changes of the plot but the biggest sin of Labaki was not to be able of balancing the heavy and light stuff in the right way. Review
Despite of a finale in need of better inspiration, this is a lively movie. Review
The uncanny approach and poignant humor that is continuously taking out from Mr.Anderson's magical hat, wisely didn't leave the feelings or emotions behind. A cheerful piece of art. Review
In a city inflamed by severe protests against capitalism, future and technology, will this man be able to get rid of the pressure? False espionage or simply prophecy, its monotone and tricky dialogs didn't catch me. Review
The story was very well cooked and the option for animation was accomplished with success, conveying all the richness and colors of jazz blended with the passion of romance. Review
The huge number of characters make the viewer's job harder and only increase the mess of the story. I am convinced that Hark's only concern was to provide us with frantic action and computer manipulated imagery. Review
This is a simple but serious movie about maturity, willpower and the difficulty to break some dearest yet unhealthy family ties. Review
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