These are all the movies and series that William has reviewed. Read more at: FilmSnobReviews.
Number of movie reviews: 1091 / 1091
Mixing sci-fi and romcom elements is something I absolutely stan. For what it’s worth the film has a uniquely colored look to it. It’s somewhat of an odd look and the CGI accompanying the film isn’t the best. Review
This film is unbelievably good. Not only is it honest and straightforward in its storytelling the story it tells, even when it fumbles is riveting and well done. Review
Not only is the film patently stupid and abhorrently offensive it lacks the comedy normally needed for a comedy. Review
Schlock, trash, this film is many things. One of those is damn entertaining. Review
A completely fine documentary that’s sure to satisfy fans of the titular artist. Review
A nice surprise early in the year and one that sees a director who’s often (rightfully so and not) seen as a punchline, slightly redeem himself. Review
What a lovely, intimate experience we get to have here with director Kattia Zuniga. Review
Clayne Crawford is, as usual super impressive here. He gives a great performance and really this whole film is centered on how much we like and relate to his character. Review
A nice little surprising piece. Jamie Adams does a fine job but it’s the undeniably talent of Haley Bennett that puts it’s best foot forward. Review
When this film is good it is really good and when it is bad it is still pretty efficient. Review
This film is an utter mess. It’s pacing and story are so inconsistent. Review
It’ll fly under the radar, which is a surprise for a Guadignino picture but it deserves praise for stellar acting, deft direction and a unique spin on a few well wrought genres. Review
This is true movie magic. A beautiful story told to us in what i’d consider the best medium to do it. Review
Most of the performances in this are top-tier. Our dynamic duo of Mulligan and Kazan really show off their performing muscles here with heft. Review
The movie struggles through too much CGI. You’re swimming in manufactured images that flash like cinematic candy in front of your face. Review
This is the sort of film that sneaks up on you. You don’t anticipate it being worth a damn and once you’re in it’s a fun and silly experience. Review
Taking everything the previous Knives Out did and upping the ante makes for a wonderful experience. Review
This is one of the most beautiful looking films alongside it absolutely nailing the first decade of the twentieth century. Review
Clooney and Roberts are as charming as ever. There banter here is quite the key to the success of the film. Again, as I’ve said about a lot of similar projects this year there’s nothing special here. Review
Run of the mill it does offer a unique spin on the standard Romeo and Juliet situation. Kaitlyn Dever will continue to be funny and charming and otherwise excellent. Review
Quite a surprising film led by a surprisingly good performance from Mila Kunis. Review
This is exactly what it should be. A fun, funny period piece that at some points has you rooting for the character and for the outcomes you want. Review
Ham-fisted and not worth your time. This is perhaps, the biggest disappointment of the year. So much potential squandered. Review
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