These are all the movies and series that William has reviewed. Read more at: FilmSnobReviews.
Number of movie reviews: 1091 / 1091
I enjoy them even more when they’re unhinged and are extremely violent without compromise. This is always where Ayer can lose an audience by going overboard. Here he balances the line wonderfully and the result is a badass Statham the likes of which we’ve missed on the silver screen. Review
This is unabashedly fun. Not every song is a winner but by and large everything works so well you’ll at the very least have a great time throughout. Review
Dan Levy is such a talent. Not just in front of the camera…but behind it. His writing might not be the strongest and it may not reinvent the wheel when it comes to structure of storytelling but it is super well done. Review
Highly missable, but to be fair it’s January horror so it could be a lot worse. Review
Don’t get me wrong the satire doesn’t really ever miss it is in the standard film mechanics where the movie is a miss for me. Review
I enjoy romantic comedies and anyone who knows me knows I can spot a good one and a bad one quit easily. This one. This one is good. It isn’t afraid to be sexy, and cool and most of all funny. Review
Sandra Hüller continues to show she is an absolute force of goddamn nature in front of the camera! Review
I wanted so badly for this to be as excellent as Spielberg’s non-musical. It just isn’t. It pulls at the heart but never breaks you fully. It’s nicely acted but the music adds nothing as a tool to build the emotions. Review
This is such a highly disappointing film. This isn’t a bad film. Far from it it’s a very good film. But the things surrounding it. The lack of care taken to such a delicate story. Review
Netflix obviously keeps making these prestige biopics for no other reason then generating awards nominations. Review
It isn’t by any means a bad film it’s just very much not a good one. A perfect example of what could’ve been. A film that is mostly hype from a great trailer and never delivered as a whole package. Review
A film that doesn’t really understand what it is and therefore doesn’t understand what it’s doing. Review
What a simply fantastic, weird and honestly refreshing piece. Review
Colman Domingo is nominated for Best Actor. He certainly is the best part of this film. He’s electric and you just cannot take your eyes off of him. The film is, overall, quite dull in execution. Review
From Paul’s unflinching lack of understanding the Angus’ apathy toward everyone around him these are flawed characters. Characters who’s situations aren’t so different from one and other. It is those similarities that drive Payne’s wonderful narrative. Review
What an intriguing and well put together film. Jesse Buckley is simply stellar here. Review
It doesn’t have the pomp and circumstance of Luhrmann’s journey but the simple telling of this story of a girl plucked from normalcy works far better for me because structurally we get a better script... Review
A very enjoyable little comedy. One that will certainly fly under the radar. Review
It is safely put together and directed in such a way where it all just sorta works. Kristian Mercado is letting his actors do their thing and happens to be pointing a camera at them. Sometimes that just sorta works. Review
Burr, for his part behind the lens is clearly a rookie and perhaps with more seasoning as a director he’ll be fine. What’s the biggest concern is the writing. It’s awful. Review
A film of beautiful, stressful moments. There hasn’t been a love triangle done this well in some time. The raw emotion and take on what human sexuality is, and can be. Review
The pacing and lack of expository execution are the two cardinal sins this film commits. What keeps this ship afloat are the performances all of them grandiose enough to propel the narrative forward while utilizing the too fast pacing to make everything FEEL better than it is delivered. Review
A damned beautiful looking science fiction tale. Sadly this is one that’s let down by the ambitions of the director and the shortcuts of that same man as a writer. Review
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