These are all the movies and series that Alex has reviewed. Read more at: CineFiles Movie Reviews.
Number of movie reviews: 695 / 695
Sure, it is very artsy. The stillness of its protagonist. The occasionally obvious visual juxtapositions. The black-and-whiteness of it all. But Cleo’s story is heartbreaking, compassionate, intimate, and elegant. Review
It is such a black-and-white film about a man’s redemption by way of driving drugs across the country, so black-and-white that Eastwood’s rather charming performance almost isn’t enough to make it work. Review
Bleakly funny. It is somewhat tragic. It is endlessly dynamic. And, as with all Lanthimos films, it is not for everyone. Review
It is a modest budget money-maker made with a creativity-forward mindset. Review
For a lengthy film that is never bashful about taking its time, Burning is an intriguing puzzle throughout most of its runtime. Review
With immense nuance, The Tale explores the multi-faceted and intimately complicated nature of abuse. Review
Joaquin Pheonix and John C. Reilly portray assassins in a beautifully-captured American west. Review
Destroyer yields a similar slow-burn, but the implications of the tension do not amplify in the same manner as The Invitation. Review
Vox Lux has flourishes of cinematic loveliness in its on-stage lighting and camera angles, its choreography, and its costume design. The music, provided by Sia, is also quite great. But the film is burdened by a thematic weight that is hard to decipher. Review
Reitman may have the right idea in re-centering the conversation to an earlier date, but the weight of the actual story gets lost in the allegorical retelling of it. Review
Add on the weighted performances of its ensemble cast, particularly from Davis and Debicki, and you have a film that does a lot of things right (loose plot threads be damned). Review
While there is much lacking in the way of characterization and storytelling structure, the end of the film does make one feel invested in the implications for the next film. Review
Creed II is an honorable follow up to the first film, which was an honorable follow up to the Rocky legacy. Review
Screaming middling Coens. Of course, being in the middle of such a list is no punishment. Review
It is a breezy thriller whose hellish elements are best when embraced with the cheekiness by which they were made. Review
A spectacle piece that eschews depth of storytelling for visual depth. Pine and Pugh, although both performing at the top of their game, have little to work with within this structure. Review
The experiential nature of the flight sequences is raw and glorious, and the climax is worth the wait. Review
A great Halloween film. It feels like the heart of fall, when pumpkins glow and shadows make one take pause. At its best, the eerie mood pulls you in and makes you believe that it is October 31st... Review
Takes an ambitious concept and spreads it thin over a 140-minute runtime. Review
As much as this might clash with its ethereal beginnings, both provide intriguing filmmaking from an authentic creative voice. Review
The film hits a roadblock quickly. Instead of swerving around it, it rams straight into it. Review
It isn’t a platform from which a truly noteworthy movie can emerge. Review
Dickey’s performance permeates life across every frame. And Blaze doesn’t require much more than that to be enthralling. Review
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