Dit zijn alle films en series die Ulkar heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Movie Moves Me.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1695 / 1695
More like a light horror film, Seeds has that rare presentable look. Long’s film is a decent indie piece that is certainly worthwhile seeing. Recensie
Snapshots is an amazingly beautiful film about love, understanding, taking risks and living the life to the fullest. Recensie
Virzi delivers the heart and the soul to the film, while Dame Helen Mirren and Donald Sutherland bring it to life through their flawless performance. Recensie
The Death of Stalin is one of the funniest movies made in the history of modern cinema. Recensie
My Friend Dahmer cleverly unfolds the story of early years of Dahmer’s life. Recensie
The film’s profound approach to capturing one woman’s life is heartbreaking. Recensie
The Strangers: Prey at Night is one of the rare examples when the viewer will be pleased watching a sequel, and the impression of the first film will not be lost. Recensie
It offers a delicate subject matter but is delivered so well that you will not question any part of the story. Recensie
Goldstone is a modern cowboy story. With a thrilling concept, impressive storytelling and staying true to the definition of the crime/thriller genre... Recensie
Purdah by Jeremy Guy is an inspiring and uplifting film. Yet, it sadly reminds us of all those opportunities that only known the doors of people from privileged countries. Recensie
Death Wish is an enjoyable crime movie about the world of constant violence that understands only one language. Recensie
Allure is a vivid, refreshing and impressive piece of art. Recensie
In spite of a few details l have already mentioned, The Wasting is a worthy indie drama that is a bit more than just a coming-of-age film. Recensie
Shiners is an important documentary film to watch. It explores the passion of people you might never meet in person, but start admiring them for what they do. Recensie
Early Man is a stop-motion animated adventure comedy with a brilliant concept that provides a food for thoughts. Recensie
Kevin Sorbo delivers a decent debut feature film, that I am sure, the Christian community will appreciate a lot. Recensie
There are so many issues with this film, that no matter how eager l was to enjoy it this time, the ridiculously written plot and the painfully dull lines made it unbearable to sit through the entire film. Recensie
A smart and dynamic comedy, which might not be the best film ever produced in this genre, but definitely has the right to earn its own place under the sun in 2018. Recensie
An awfully hilarious comedy with a stellar cast, whose brave and fearless performances turn this film into a great adventure, full of jokes and some remarkable scenes that will be remembered in the history of cinema as the best of their kind. Recensie
There is nothing to catch from Nancy. It has nothing intelligent to offer to the viewer to backup the whole proposed idea. Recensie
Time Share is an excellent nail-biting thriller with the elements of horror that will haunt you long after you’ve done watching it. Recensie
Joaquin Phoenix’s amazing transformation is another proof of how talented he is. Recensie
Damsel is a surprisingly enchanting and cute comedy you would never want to miss. Recensie
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