These are all the movies and series that The Massie Twins has reviewed. Read more at: Gone With The Twins.
Number of movie reviews: 1308 / 1308
The anticlimactic and mild nature of every confrontation soon becomes downright boring resulting in one of the weakest of all peplum pictures. Review
Not only is it edited together deftly, managing some hair-raising stunts, but it also looks as if shot without permits or permission. The realism is exceptional. Review
Brief bits of comedy supplement the viciousness, as well as asides for discussions on poetry and the reproductive system... Review
The film is intermittently bloody and suspenseful, yet the action is edited with so many cuts and fast-paced camera angle changes that it’s impossible to see what exactly is going on. Review
Some of the makeup effects and creature designs are quite arresting, even if the best of them aren’t saved for the finale, which is a tremendously lackluster showdown. Review
May be pure fantasy, but it’s smartly paced, unexpectedly complex, action-packed, and thoroughly satisfying. Review
While the picture might not be a technical marvel, the music is so forceful and enthusiastic that it’s hard not to get caught up in the momentum and the impact of one of the most enduring groups in rock history. Review
The story might not hold its relevance over the years, but there’s an undeniable, redemptive quality to the ambiguous finale, which is once again made grander by Davis’ star power. Review
The romance is striking, concluding with a famously tragic yet poetic and powerful scene. Review
A fascinating character study, bittersweet and insightful yet full of tremendous laughs. Review
While this isn’t a drastically different interpretation of the classic story, it’s nicely handled, possessing a seriousness and an updated amount of blood that are entirely fitting for a Hammer endeavor. Review
It’s the charming machine and his damsel-in-distress who keep the picture afloat, putting a twist on conventional movie romances... Review
There’s just not enough originality to justify its existence, save for satiating (or perhaps pandering to) fans of the franchise. Review
There’s also plenty of humor, primarily from political contentions, and villainy to match. Review
The moments of over-the-top gore are too often drawn out beyond their points of effectiveness, and the supplementary relationship fails to complicate a plot that was designed around just a couple of gross gags. Review
It’s not high art, but it’s a surprisingly memorable slasher endeavor. Review
Could have used some considerable polishing to make the most of its original, preteen-oriented adventures. Review
Perhaps most disappointing of all is the finale, which manages to be outrageously anticlimactic, even with a few twists that audiences might not guess. Review
The finale improves considerably when the yuck factor increases exponentially, borrowing a note or two from Dead Alive and from the many teen slashers that boast villains who refuse to die. Review
Outrageously deranged, and with a conclusion that leaves a lot up to the imagination, this is one superbly original production. Review
The premise is terribly bleak, but Bergeron’s plight manages to be momentarily hopeful, funny, and provocative as well. Review
The combination of action, intermittent comic relief makes for a frivolous yet fun diversion. Review
The animation style suits the storyline, with the anime versions of familiar roles nicely adapted from their three-dimensional counterparts. Review
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