Dit zijn alle films en series die Derrick heeft gerecenseerd.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1134 / 1134
A tired exercise in familiar tropes and less-than-stellar animation.
A decent enough sequel, but nowhere near as fun or awesome as its predecessor!
Pure bloody entertainment and should entrance generations for years to come!
There’s a little suspense and some quirky laughs, but the film is mostly filled with that most powerful emotion of all: LOVE.
Definitely a product of its time and that was a sad period in comedic film history.
A severely underrated piece of intelligent science-fiction.
This is one flight that should have never left the ground.
Those who want a ridiculous and fun action film, would do well to check out 3 Days to Kill.
A genuinely funny feature-length series finale that dares to go in territory that most wouldn’t dare touch.
Plays out with plot points that are given sufficient time to develop.
Shocking, gruesome, sickly funny, and all sorts of messed up...
As a comedy, I didn’t laugh more than five times.
Deserves its undisputable reputation as an astonishing piece of filmmaking.
Save for a Judd Nelson performance, two great kills, and some cool cinematography, it’s just plain bad!
Top-level piece of family friendly entertainment...
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