Dit zijn alle films en series die Eric heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: The Movie Waffler.
Aantal filmrecensies: 2302 / 2302
Crawford's performance keeps you glued as David wrestles his demons, an affable Jekyll trying to keep his Hyde under control. Recensie
I'm all for filmmakers using their work as a form of personal therapy, but it needs to connect with the audience in a way Flashback never quite manages. Recensie
A Quiet Place: Part II is the very definition of an unnecessary but obligatory sequel, and by the time we get to its climax it begins to feel like Krasinski has scraped every last bit of honey from this particular jar. But what thrills he does manage to mine from this premise justifies a second go around with the Abbotts. Recensie
If you're willing to have four hours of your life upended by the enigmatic Ukiyo, it's a largely satisfying examination of the necessary toll romance can take on our lives. Recensie
Devoid of jump scares, loud bangs or an overbearing score, this is horror at its most effective, scaled down, pared back and tight as a possessed toy bunny's snare drum. Recensie
The money is certainly on the screen, most of it likely spent on music rights and costume materials, but wouldn't it be nice if a Hollywood studio gave a filmmaker such resources to make their own movies instead of constantly trying to fit their artistic square pegs into capitalism's round holes? Recensie
Whishaw is almost unrecognisable in arguably a career best performance. With little in the way of dialogue, it's a physical part that's as much dance as acting... Recensie
On a purely visual level, Skull: The Mask has a pretty great villain. Sadly nothing much is done with this potential new horror icon. Recensie
Army of the Dead simply doesn't function as a horror movie, and as an action movie it lacks sufficient creativity and craziness. Recensie
Not the most visually oriented of directors, Ritt's film is overly reliant on dialogue to detail its twists and turns. Luckily for Ritt his Welsh leading man possesses one of the most iconic voices ever recorded. Recensie
Too much of Frankie consists of characters telling us their backstories, and every time someone new enters the screen they begin to tell the nearest character of their troubles. None of it feels remotely natural... Recensie
I suspect some viewers may miss the point here and find Dinner in America as abrasive as its male protagonist, but anyone willing to embrace its skanky charms is in for a treat. Recensie
Visually, Rare Beasts is exactly the sort of movie you might expect from a first time director, all quick cuts and indulgent fantasy sequences. Recensie
Psycho Goreman never quite fully exploits its premise, but it resolutely refuses to take itself seriously and avoids getting unnecessarily bogged down in its plot. Recensie
On the surface it's little more than a slick erotic thriller, but look under the bed and you'll find Verhoeven wielding a sharp weapon of his own. Recensie
The only bright spark here is Adams, who, God love her, really does her best to add some depth to the proceedings. Recensie
It's certainly cold, with Ostrochovsky's camera viewing events with a dispassionate distance, but it's never quite as chilling as this story of paranoia and fear of authoritarianism should be. Recensie
Complimenting the directorial skills of Charbonier and Powell is the young Dewey, whose silent performance is immensely impressive. Recensie
For a movie that tackles such a hot button issue, And Tomorrow the Entire World is surprisingly lacking in political depth. Recensie
Kruger certainly has a distinctive in-your-face style, which may win him some fans of an edgelord nature, but if you're looking for originality in narrative terms, well, forget about it. Kruger's film is probably best enjoyed if your brain is as fried as its protagonist. Recensie
Oxygen plays its story with a straight face, and its sober tone and lack of emotional engagement makes its real time 100 minutes suffocating for the wrong reasons. Recensie
Zhao is as poetic a filmmaker as it gets, the closest to a John Ford figure we have today; and like that great American master, she knows where to find poetry in America, in its people and its panoramas. Recensie
There's an interesting movie somewhere in Here Are the Young Men, or maybe a better adaptation of Doyle's book. Ironically, it suffers from a filmmaker who seems intent on following the example of others rather than forging his own creative path. Recensie
Things Heard & Seen desperately wants to be a horror movie for our moment, but it's unlikely to haunt your thoughts for more than a minute. Recensie
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