Dit zijn alle films en series die Bob heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: One Mann's Movies.
Aantal filmrecensies: 911 / 911
The short film has a tremendous amount of heart and the simple but effective story of compassion and a father’s acceptance of his son for being ‘different’ I found to be very moving indeed. Recensie
Sean Mathias has turned upside down your expectations of how Hamlet should be done with this stunning and contemporary age-blind, colour-blind and gender-blind version. It’s simply stunning. Recensie
How do we take 60 minutes of content and pad it out into a 90 minute film? That’s rather what this feels like. Recensie
This is a well-made teen-oriented drama that covers difficult subject matter delicately and believably. Despite the odd rough edge, it’s well worth a watch. Recensie
I doubt this will win many awards, as it is not a challenging subject and the original footage, edited together, does most of the heavy lifting. But this is a terrific documentary that is entertaining from start to finish. Recommended. ... Recensie
Not one to stir the senses or make you want to go out to the cinema to see. Recensie
What a film! It’s one I will be thinking on for days. A mini-masterpiece. Recensie
This is a solid sports-oriented biopic that is never less than interesting. Recensie
I watched this lightweight piece of fluff while doing the ironing. But, imho, it is hardly worthy of being an ironing film, let alone a sit down and watch film. Recensie
Occasionally I feel I’m swimming against the tide with my reviews and this is one such case. Perhaps with a second viewing I might like it more. But I rather doubt it. I think, for whatever reason, this one just didn’t quite click with me. Recensie
A well-made film with a good story that kept me absorbed and invested throughout its running time. Recommended. Recensie
I just loved this film. Rarely can I sit in the cinema and be utterly delighted with the story, but for me this was near perfect. Recensie
It’s a wonderfully put together film and a strong candidate already for my films of the year 2024 list. Recensie
But forgetting that this is a remake, and focussing on the film as a standalone Mean Girls musical. This is a musical comedy that had moments that really worked and were funny, but a lot that didn’t. Recensie
It’s really great, if harrowing, to watch this on the big screen again. Recensie
It is certainly a gruelling and at times upsetting watch. But as a true story of hope and faith over adversity it is an EXTRAORDINARY tale and a wonderfully well-made film. Recensie
It’s a Statham movie! You get what you expect! A lot of mindless violence with bad guys and sometimes whole FBI teams of good guys being beaten senseless by Statham using only his muscles. It’s absurd… but it’s quite fun at the same time. Recensie
Like I said, maybe I’m a bit biased but this one was gently delightful. Recensie
Although directed by Pierre Morel, the director of Taken, this is utter hokum. Find Romancing the Stone or Jewel of the Nile and watch them again instead. Recensie
I *think* lovers of rom-coms will largely go for this one and have fun. Recensie
I found it to be a solid and well-made biopic that I would definitely like to give a second watch. Recensie
A fun film that has been long in the gestation. Next Goal Wins is certainly worth catching on the big screen…. a fun trip for families with older kids looking for a New Year cinema visit. Recensie
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