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Season and episode ratings

2024-11-21 14:24

Since 2021, you can rate seasons and episodes on a series' page (like here for De Avondshow met Arjen Lubach or herr for Fleabag). But you couldn't yet get an overview of all your season or episode ratings..

So I modified and extended some code so that you can also see your season and episode ratings on your ratings page. For example, you can now get an overview of all the episodes you've rated.

Screenshot of some episode ratings.

Overview of some episode ratings.

Creating overviews for season and episode ratings was pretty easy but getting all the different types or ratings all at once was a bigger challenge. I managed to do that with UNION in the SQL code and some extra code here and there. And you can use all the filters too! I'm pretty proud of that :)

Screenshot of all the types of ratings: movie, series, season, and episode.

Overview of all the types of ratings: movie, movie, series, season, en episode filtered by the genres comedy and drama and the years 2010-2019.

You can choose which medium you want to see in your ratings overview by selecting the option.

Screenshot of the six new options with episode being selected.

The option to see episode ratings is selected.

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