Dit zijn alle films en series die Alex heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: CineFiles Movie Reviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 696 / 696
The jokes run thin early. The plot is uninspired and fails hard when it decides to play the heartstrings. Recensie
As much as the tone struggles to mesh, the core of Upgrade is jam-packed with entertainment value. Recensie
A fine little survival picture retelling the story of an undoubtedly resourceful and determined person. Recensie
It has the sense of being a dispassionate and inessential part of this ongoing Star Wars machine. Recensie
Strains to tap into contemporary technophobia, but it never grounds that in the source material that it borrows from. Recensie
Unless you’re a critic who dislikes partisanship even when it lines up with his political views, you will likely either love it or hate it. Recensie
Overall the comedy here is fairly tight. In a cinematic landscape that is bombarded with superhero movies of various quality, Deadpool is the IP we need right now. Recensie
Seeds are sown for characters to have genuine relationships with each other. These are largely abandoned, replaced with lackluster punchlines. Recensie
A no frills thriller that isn’t ashamed of its lack of depth. Recensie
There wasn’t enough juice in the premise to take the plot across the finish line. Recensie
It feels like a contrivance, because it is already a hard sell to buy the basic premise. Perhaps if the jokes were more powerful... Recensie
The revelation of the truth may not be as fun as the journey to it, but there is still a winding experience to enjoy. Recensie
A determined case study of grit yielding to desperation. Its characters act like beautifully imperfect... Recensie
Lives up to the hype if you enjoy the sheer bigness of the created universe... Recensie
Showing us comedic characters being driven past their potential. Recensie
A bland film with a mishandled deliberate pace. Recensie
Provides one of the more electrifying climaxes, thanks to stellar editing, direction, and performances from its two leads. Recensie
Quite simply the worst horror movie of 2018 thus far. Recensie
A pulp masterpiece. It is at times decadent, at times sumptuous, at time grotesque, and at many times disorienting. Recensie
For all of the competency in (most of) the script and in the performances, it is surprising to behold how unbalanced the finished product is. Recensie
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