These are all the movies and series that Alex has reviewed. Read more at: CineFiles Movie Reviews.
Number of movie reviews: 696 / 696
It lacks a poignancy that could justify resurfacing the property in the first place. Review
With the plotting so shallow, the characters appear a joke. Review
As much as the pieces—mainly the lead performances—make for a film that paces adequately given its clunky construction... Review
A vehicle for Tom Cruise to be the charming leading man that he has always been. Review
A solid film to showcase the talents of Stiller and Abrams. Review
A film demanded to be enjoyed for its action set pieces. Review
This is certainly Jolie’s most ambitious film... Review
A movie that can do nothing but make some cash before being forgotten. Review
Opens as a psychological thriller, middles as a farce, and closes as an exploitation film... Review
As much as the performances help to elevate the film, there is nothing revelatory about what is depicted. Review
The ethics of Spurlock’s new doc are muddy. Review
Has an intense mainstream appeal, in that it is adherent enough to convention while still providing visual symbols that feel new. Review
Just needed more wrinkles in its plot to deliver the experience that it intends to. Review
Disturbing, crude, and humorous, this gory flick is vying to become a new staple of midnight movie rotations. Review
A surprising amount of mileage that the film makes out of the simplicity of its comedic premise... Review
Wrapped up in energetic music, but that is not enough to put a veil over the flatness of the film. Review
An exhilarating ride through a debauched unseen world... Review
Marred by nearly innumerable shortcomings, all of which combine into a conventional mess of a film. Review
Absurd and funny, sweet and earnest, and endlessly riding an undercurrent wave of darkness. Review
Fails to be either an original action film nor a satisfactory all-around comedy, it has its moments where both genres can shine... Review
Purposefully confounding. It does not want to be accessible. Review
Soderbergh remains at the top of his game. His vision controls this whimsically haphazard narrative with artistic precision. Review
More contrived than it is emotionally affecting, making poor work out of its source material. Review
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