Dit zijn alle films en series die Jeremie heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Cinema Smack.
Aantal filmrecensies: 460 / 460
It’s an enjoyable watch but it doesn’t necessarily add anything new to horror in general. Recensie
Often humorous, gory, and ridiculously clever but still very horror. Recensie
An entertaining experience that successfully blends styles and keeps you hooked until the very end. Recensie
Features a tragic character, amazing special effects, an excellent score by Howard Shore... Recensie
A different type of horror experience... Recensie
Emily Blunt’s performance is spectacular... Recensie
A sight to behold and it’s worth a watch for any fan of the horror genre. Recensie
The concept and execution are entertaining as can be, and its meaning is up for debate. Recensie
While the story and logic falters slightly at the end, the rest of the film is entertaining... Recensie
One of the greatest psychological horror films ever made... Recensie
Vulgarity, excessive violence, and ugliness define 31 and none of those terms come with endearment. Recensie
So easy to follow and pretty to look at that adding in extraneous detail isn’t necessary. Recensie
Not a game changer in the science fiction genre but it’s pretty darn good. Recensie
Unoriginal, uninspired, and simply unnecessary. Recensie
Most of the things done in the film are done well enough but we’ve seen it all before. Recensie
The plot seems to fall apart and become a hodgepodge of scenes influenced by other films. Recensie
It takes a lot of influence from films like Blow, Goodfellas, and The Wolf of Wall Street as a crime/drama/comedy. Recensie
A delightfully provocative surprise of a watch. Recensie
It isn’t going to dazzle or wow anyone but it does have a positive message. Recensie
It’s nice to see these characters on the big screen. Other than that this film is an utter disaster. Recensie
The shoddy plot, half baked character arcs, and that dreadful shaky cam overshadow the good things about the film. Recensie
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