Dit zijn alle films en series die Alice heeft gerecenseerd.
Aantal filmrecensies: 196 / 196
B-movie heaven plucked from the twisted mind of British horror hound Johannes Roberts...
A colourful and creative piece of entertainment.
Feigns the intentions of a chaste period melodrama but its tone is grossly indicative of a lost era in cinema.
A staunchly visceral experience from a director whose auteuristic backbone has reshaped the face of the mainstream blockbuster...
Poses a moral question about the fine line between danger and delusion, struggling to justify its bitter finale yet revelling in every second of it.
An artistic symphony proposed in film form but intellectually superior to cinema as we’ve come to know it...
An essential documentary about the art of infamy and the unspoken backbone of politics...
Captures psychotic terror at its most disturbed but failing to provide a light source adequate enough to map the way...
Approaches a variety of controversial topics head-on...
Mike Nichols’ magnum opus is spliced to perfection...
Utilising a suave gimmick that grows old but stays bold...
An informative and exciting documentary that’s as expressive as it is educational...
Reeling in viewers “Platoon”-style and leaving the most invested to ultimately pick up the pieces.
A sequel-focused, underdeveloped, CGI-infested movie which trades plausibility for fleeting excitement.
Stirs eerie narration, music, and compact dialogue into a meditative story that digs deep...
An unquestioned masterpiece that still leaves film geeks drooling over each of its flawlessly assembled sequences...
A compelling film about the illusion of choice in a world where inherited gender roles have carved an unbalanced society.
A fierce and fiery take on Diana Prince’s origin story...
Smiles affectionately in the direction of times past...
Fuses temptation with destruction as a dark comedy with a ravenous edge...
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