Dit zijn alle films en series die Richard heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: CineMuseFilms.
Aantal filmrecensies: 352 / 352
In terms of cinematography, storytelling and emotional impact, this film is a modern masterpiece. Recensie
A tautly directed and well scripted sci-fi that remains within the boundaries of scientific plausibility. Recensie
The story gathers pace in the second half, carried forward by outstanding acting from a stellar cast. Recensie
This film belongs to actress Alicia Vikander in the role of Vera. Recensie
The film is well cast with an intelligent script and loads of eccentric humour. Recensie
This film is not for everyone, but it is mesmerising, intellectually challenging, and so worth the effort. Recensie
You’ll walk out feeling touched by fine storytelling, excellent acting and a well produced period drama. Recensie
With its high production values, this film represents historical storytelling at its best. Recensie
Smith’s acting anchors the film and the avoidance of soap-box lectures gives the story objectivity... Recensie
I really wanted this film to work, but for me it just didn’t. Recensie
The acting performance of Essie Davis and Noah Wiseman are simply outstanding. Recensie
An engaging tale told in the finest Aussie tradition. Recensie
An entertaining, original and interesting attempt to go somewhere different... Recensie
Like in all great thrillers we are not sure until the last few seconds and a finale that Hitchcock would have loved. Recensie
Rampling and Courtenay are simply magnificent in these roles. Recensie
A fine tribute to ethical journalism and its power to do good. Recensie
An immersive emotional high-wire act, with Lisa and Apple the two anchors of Jobs’ life. Recensie
Not all viewers will want to share that journey, but those who respect it will have much to admire in this film. Recensie
The story rests on fine dramatic performances by Cate Blanchett and Robert Redford... Recensie
The cinematography and dramatic musical score forms a melancholic symphony... Recensie
Despite these limitations, it’s a finely crafted British film. Recensie
Most De Niro and Hathaway fans are unlikely to be bothered by the clichés fable and find it an entertainingly likable film. Recensie
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