Dit zijn alle films en series die Vincent heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Qwipster's Movie Reviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 4223 / 4223
A fun, nostalgic ride for fans of the original series from the 1960s... Recensie
Coasts almost wholly on Cruise's charisma within an action vehicle... Recensie
It's ironic that the film can't even muster a spark of life within its very calculated narrative... Recensie
Isn't a fully realized story so much as a collection of high concepts and b-movie plot points... Recensie
For those who like trashy thrillers, perhaps you'll find something to treasure... Recensie
Another winning, time-capsule worthy documentary... Recensie
Regardless of its hit-and-miss nature, this is a passion project that certain is delivered with passion... Recensie
Its cinematic namesake delivers what's intended without much of a hitch. Recensie
A hopeful and inspiring human story of a pawn that perseveres across the proverbial difficult board to become a queen... Recensie
It may be apropos that the word "Miss" is right in the film's title, given the lackluster results. Recensie
It does succeed in at least finding new an interesting ideas to chew on... Recensie
It traverses on a well-worn path that many, often better, movies have been before. Recensie
Will likely deliver just enough of what Western-action enthusiasts are coming to the theater for... Recensie
A well-acted, handsomely mounted, occasionally thought-provoking and moderately entertaining film... Recensie
A welcome, nostalgic return for a few additional laughs at a formula rom-com done reasonably well. Recensie
A story well told, with many memorable aspects to admire... Recensie
There are hilarious moments to be sure, yet the film also deal with the emotional gut-punch of the disease head on. Recensie
Tom Hanks delivers another terrific, class-act performance as Sully... Recensie
Rises above its limitations and inherent jargon-heavy talkiness through a solid cast... Recensie
Not be much more than a b-movie genre flick without much reach beyond fans of action-fueled road thrillers... Recensie
Given that both of those films cover just about every interesting element of Morgan, once you've checked those out and been thoroughly entertained, there really isn't much need to follow them up with a mediocre rehash, is there? Recensie
Meanwhile, Toni appears to be fascinated by the older girls, and her desire to become more like them. Recensie
An entertaining and illuminating romance that is much more than just watching two people find receptive feelings toward one another. Recensie
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