Dit zijn alle films en series die Filipe heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Always Good Movies.
Aantal filmrecensies: 2038 / 2038
Even employing a primitive approach, it managed to bestow some freshness to an old and recurring tale. Recensie
It’s A Disaster didn't spark a lot of laughs but let out some amusing energy with its screwball tone and laudable finale. Recensie
Soderbergh expressed his versatility through designed camera plans and magnificent close-ups, highlighting the coldness of the characters, but never neglecting the gripping atmosphere. Reliable side effects are guaranteed from watching this one. Recensie
It was a shame that the movie hadn’t totally assumed the weirdness suggested in some moments, opting instead for a more formulaic approach. Positive aspects: the performances, and Robert Duvall's magnificent trip on LSD. Recommended with reservations. Recensie
Unstable and unemotional, Dormant Beaut" counts with good performances but doesn't add anything relevant to the matters in question. Recensie
A strange, dazzling light was used within a simple direction, in a respectable film where the ideas reign in detriment of technical details. Recensie
Joyful moments aren’t abundant in a depressing film that carries ‘I can cope with my life’ as purpose. Recensie
I cannot say this is a bad movie; its story is just not thorough enough to be remembered in its genre. Still, this robotic-crime-comedy should please those who have a taste for low-key crime films with a hint of futurism. Recensie
The idea behind Warm Bodies has to be seen purely as amusing or comical, otherwise it would look ridicule. Although this film had the potential to be better, Jonathan Levine maintains his work interesting after the successful 50/50. Recensie
Jessica Chastain presented charisma while the little girl Lilly, played by the young Isabelle Nélisse, was the scariest in her look and behavior. A rather uneven paranormal tale. Recensie
Rhino Season is tragic and evinces a deep sadness and pain... a tough reality for all the oppressed Iranian artists. Recensie
Alternating among humor, seriousness and some humiliation, Modest Reception simply shows us how unpredictably people behave when confronted with money. A radical experience with an unclear conclusion. Recensie
The Wise Kids chose a graceful approach to connect sexuality and faith issues in a sincere and intelligent way. Recensie
Stand Up Guys will not leave its mark but is perfectly appropriate for a relaxed watching, not requiring attention to details or complex analysis about its simple story. Recensie
Among joys, sorrows and some nostalgia, the film provided us with so much information that sometimes was difficult to absorb it completely. Yet, it never became boring in its quirky way and hasty rhythm. Recensie
Promised Land is torpid in its development and despite its good intentions, turned out completely unemotional. Van Sant needed some kind of trick to win us over, just as the gas company did in the film. Recensie
We can’t say this is a thrilling docudrama, but spreads charm with some tasteful details. Perhaps it would have benefited if shot on black-and-white. Recensie
Some good gags and body fights were not enough to make this film a gratifying choice. Recensie
If at least Yaron Zilberman had avoided this aspect, the film would become even more inviting. Fortunately, this predisposition for sadness didn’t remove the warmness and human side shown on every relationship and performance. Recensie
It tried to convey a natural and unpretentious posture but it wasn’t always successful in its intents. The plot goes round and round in circles, trying to wrap every scene in smoothness while continues to extend the inevitable conclusions. Just for enthusiasts of sweet romantic dramas. Recensie
After 20 minutes, the story degenerated into dull situations and predictable moves, never to recover again. Goronja, the bull, ended up being the most interesting protagonist in a colorless story that failed to engage. Recensie
Even if you like the ingredients, you can’t taste them properly. Wrong is messy and repetitive in its approach. Rather intriguing but hardly satisfactory. Recensie
The Paperboy was too ambitious and contrived, never reaching a sufficient level of stability. Recensie
The problem is that the movie embraces a satisfied conduct that makes us anticipate its overjoyed finale. Even the surprises did not work as surprises. Therefore, this is a movie to enjoy and relax, having Auteuil's performance as highlight. Recensie
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