Dit zijn alle films en series die Hope heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Maddwolf.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1032 / 1032
Green’s unconventional approach allows Hirsch and Rudd ample room to breathe, and to develop unique and fascinating characters. Recensie
His film may be merely better than average, his leads are truly spectacular. Recensie
Subverts tensions before they can generate real terror. Recensie
The Wolverine does boast some cool action sequences but maybe he can rediscover his sense of humor. Recensie
Every shot a brutally gorgeous image. Recensie
McCarthy’s riotous performance honestly outshines everything about a film that’s content to coast on the novelty of female casting. Recensie
Offers a sweet, charming summer distraction. It just doesn’t do much more. Recensie
Tension and dread counterbalance thrill effectively... Recensie
Wildly predictable plotting leads to a handful of moderately funny gags... Recensie
Seriously, who gives a shit about magicians? Recensie
Equal parts Woody Allen, French New Wave and Jim Jarmusch, and amazingly enough, it never feels too hip for its own good. Recensie
The leads balance each other beautifully. Recensie
No power to suspend disbelief is strong enough to contend with the epic ridiculousness of the final reel or two of this film. Recensie
A richly textured image of the punishment and resilience of youth. Recensie
Berger balances silliness with more insightful and biting comedy to mine his contrived situation for all its gold. Recensie
Weak dialogue, weaker plotting, ridiculous acting and general pointlessness. Recensie
In lieu of character development, the film is filled with grotesquely fascinating ideas. Recensie
While Ronin helps to make the content palatable by sheer force of talent, Niccol can’t manage the same. Recensie
A very pretty film, competently assembled and pleasantly performed. Recensie
A comedy, and a funny one, but it casts a spell more than it tells a tale. Recensie
It is funny in spots, it’s just not too concerned with doing anything remotely original. Recensie
Singer’s pace is leaden, and his patchwork script puts off action far too long to keep your attention. Recensie
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