Dit zijn alle films en series die Shannon heeft gerecenseerd.
Aantal filmrecensies: 316 / 316
I really didn't care for it too much and thought it was fairly boring.
I felt like it was a tad boring. Not for lack of explosions, but for overkill in the scenes.
Both fun and nerve-wracking waiting to see the final outcome.
Definitely cute, I’ll give it that much, but nothing special.
They should have stopped the franchise here, but still I find myself excited to watch more.
I didn’t feel like I wasted my time, but I wouldn’t recommend this movie.
I hated it because I didn't understand anything that was really going on.
The only part I liked (other than the science) was the final scene in the Templar’s reception.
I felt like there were many places that were disconnected in the film story and it wasn’t extremely easy to follow.
I loved this movie and think it’s been one of the top in the series for me.
A good movie full of suspense and parts that make you on edge.
This film was just as exciting as the first and second one.
I’m going to give this film an okay rating, because I don’t feel like it was a waste of time to watch.
I found myself laughing at a lot of the one-liners by Reynolds and Jackson.
The foundation for an interesting movie is there, but it was just so odd that I couldn’t get passed it.
The concept is good, I just didn’t feel like it was executed well, with the exception of some of the extra characters of the apartment.
A perfect adaptation of the book and Brie Larson and Woody Harrelson were phenomenal...
I don’t think the acting was all that great in this film, but it was suitable I suppose.
I didn’t find this film very entertaining.
It’s not scary but definitely thrilling throughout.
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