Dit zijn alle films en series die Niels heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Onderhond.
Aantal filmrecensies: 454 / 454
It's a surprisingly direct and straight-foward fantasy romance that doesn't shy away from incorporating horror and thriller elements... Recensie
It's a pretty basic crime thriller with a traditional selection of action scenes spread throughout the film. Recensie
A well-rounded film, one that works as a drama as well as a crime flick. Recensie
It's stylish, classy, funny and revolting. Recensie
A very warm, amicable and soothing film with just enough of an edge to keep things interesting. Recensie
A crazy, creative, vibrant film that keeps a pretty strict pace and only slows down a little towards the end of the film. Recensie
The action superb, the styling is just insane and the pacing is pleasantly fast. Recensie
This is by far the best entry in the franchise so far. Recensie
A confident, creative and overall impressive film that illustrates how you can blend drama and fantasy while speaking to a large audience... Recensie
Sunao Katabuchi crafted a gentle, warm and endearing film, but not without its share of sharp critique and gut-wrenching drama. Recensie
Yoshida's visual style may not be all that flashy or in your face, but it is ultracrisp. Recensie
A pretty fun and over the top anime feature, but only for those who can handle the silliness. Recensie
Yip returned to elevate the series back to its original level. Recensie
There's still plenty of nitty, gritty xenomorph action to enjoy... Recensie
A film that thrives on atmosphere while going through a set of familiar motions. Recensie
The stronger bits of his latest effort are stunning, dressed up in lush visuals and backed up by a strong soundtrack. Recensie
While all of that sounds pretty chaotic, there's still that stylistic cohesion that pulls everything together. Recensie
An amazing film to revisit, even if its not all that easy to pinpoint what exactly makes it great. Recensie
A zany, extrovert and anything but subtle piece of cinema with the potential to be very divisive... Recensie
It's a good thing Shoalin Soccer is this much fun, because beyond its successful comedy aspect it's clear the film is somewhat lacking. Recensie
Some impressive animation, a proper soundtrack and a warm, feel-good atmosphere... Recensie
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