Dit zijn alle films en series die Ulkar heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Movie Moves Me.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1695 / 1695
Naomi Watts, Tim Roth, Octavia Spencer and Kelvin Harrison Jr. deliver the most shockingly scary performances as they dive into such complex characters that had so many things to tell. Recensie
Official Secrets is a very important political thriller that goes deep into Katharine’s choices. Screenplay written by Gregory and Sara Bernstein allows Keira Knightley to deliver an enjoyable performance that will carry you smoothly throughout the film. Recensie
It’s more than the single mind can comprehend. But I guess calling it phenomenal is a good start. Recensie
Subtle performances delivered by the entire cast, beautiful soundtrack, flawless direction, perfectly written screenplay, does the magic and will succeed to earn a special place in your heart. Recensie
Paddleton is a fine portrayal of the friendship of two men who are like a married couple, always arguing, but their argument never takes a serious turn. Recensie
Photograph is a like a beautiful picture you want to keep staring at. It’s humble, profound, and deeply moving. Written lines are intelligent and provide food for thought. Recensie
Untouchable is interesting to watch. Certain scenes are well-shot, and its beginning could not be any better. But unfortunately, certain details revealed in the film were somewhat strange and questionable... Recensie
Throughout the journey, she never stops interacting with her son, but never stops insisting that the idea of creating an image of her is not her choice, but the choice of her son. Recensie
The biggest winner of Wounds is the exceptional editing and photography. Every scene is dark, atmospheric, uncomfortable, and disturbing. The horror scenes are too much to handle, but enough to send the viewer into a deep shock. Recensie
By the time when it’s over, you will have to take a minute to grasp everything you just saw – because it was powerful, moving but extremely sad at the same time. Recensie
To say that it is powerful would be an understatement. To say it’s brilliant and highly educational is not enough to get closer to make it perfect. Recensie
I Am Mother is a surprisingly intelligent sci-fi drama that explores an intimate relationship between humans and robots. Recensie
After the Wedding is a fantastic film filled with tenderness and admiration that draws a family portrait in an unconventional way. Recensie
An extraordinary film about the wonderful human being who happens to be the most important human rights lawyers in the world. Recensie
All these are truly justifiable when you find yourself analyzing the entire situation described in the film. Recensie
Piper De Palma as Anahita delivers a solid performance, not beautifying the character from outside, but giving light from the inside, which helps Anahita to grow as an individual. Recensie
There are not many documentaries that would take such an interesting approach, to explore the human aspect of life, tell multiple stories within one story. Recensie
The screenplay combines three different important subject matters in one film but sadly never reaches its logical conclusion. Recensie
Because it’s uplifting, wicked, and so beautifully simple that even though it touches upon a heavy concept, you will feel lighter and comfortable throughout. Recensie
Lost Holiday is lacking the passionate storytelling that could’ve taken this piece further than they could anticipate. Recensie
It’s wicked, intelligent, so damn relevant yet mind-blowing. Recensie
But what prevails the most in Knight’s full of twist film is the serene mind, plentiful imagination, and the opportunity that must be taken when the chance to redeem the past and correct mistakes is being offered. Recensie
Jonathan is a very disturbing, profoundly deep and very concerning subject matter; honestly speaking, it was quite terrifying to follow too. Recensie
A Dog’s Way Home is an excellent family adventure drama that will send everyone into deep awe. Recensie
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