Dit zijn alle films en series die Ulkar heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Movie Moves Me.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1695 / 1695
The Secret Scripture does what it can with the given material. It certainly cannot be considered as an ambitious project with the aim to target wider audience, however, it’s still worthwhile seeing as it is never boring, and that I can certainly assure you of. Recensie
Absolutely everything works in Brimstone – cinematography, camera work and even editing. Recensie
Bridget Jones’s Baby movie is what it’s meant to be: cute and spellbinding. Everything about it is an absolute joy. Recensie
Bleed for This is solidly shot, has some wicked lines, but that’s all what this film can offer. Recensie
A Death in the Gunj is a slow-moving film with a strong subject matter. It revolves around the emotional devastation and disappointment of life, when one does not know which way to go. Recensie
As a filmmaker, Pablo Larrain shows that he is in a great game where only big filmmakers can deliver a detailed and nuanced film such as Jackie. Recensie
In the end, while the screenplay suffers a lot with a lack of imagination and development of the characters, Planetarium is still worth seeing, but not more than once. Recensie
Nocturnal Animals is an exceptional and unlike many other films that will shake you psychologically-wise throughout the film. Amy Adams shines in every scene as if she was born for that Susan’s part. Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Shannon, as usual, are great and straightforward in their performances. Recensie
Isabelle Huppert flawlessly captures Liliane, showing that love for the stage will never fade away. Recensie
The performance the entire cast delivered was almost like they just showed up on the set for the sake of respect, that should have never been showcased. Also, I guess, it’s hard to blame the cast, as the director Benedict Andrews seems was not sure which way to go with his directing. Recensie
An absolutely stunning film from the start to the end. While the first part of it is more funny and entertaining, the second part becomes more dramatic and sad. Recensie
Before you go to see the film, take the luggage with you to fill it with so many life-changing lessons you can gain from this simply beautiful, uplifting and heart-warming film. Recensie
A United Kingdom is a beautiful film about how two people having each other wins the most important confrontation of that time. Recensie
Despite the good acting, The Birth of a Nation has nothing special to offer. Recensie
Damiene Chazzele is a brilliant filmmaker who invents the fast-track path for you to reach the land he created before you realize it. Recensie
It’s an emotional film, not too dramatic, having a right balance to ensure the viewer won’t lose his focus. And I never did, so, you won’t either. Recensie
At the end of the day, the great risk taken by the filmmaker to direct such a expensive production, and no doubt he did succeed at that. Recensie
Jarmusch’s Paterson is more like an impactful poetry written by the one who created the life. The color, production design, even the cinematography is intact helping Paterson to express itself as a motion picture. Recensie
Don’t get me wrong, it’s of course heartbreaking to know when a family member keeps secret something that could have changed the course of a family’s history. But that story, unfortunately, does not hit the heart or anyone’s soul due to many directions the filmmaker tried to take, but failed to reach any of them. Recensie
Half a Man brings another fact from real life, when happiness can quickly turn into disappointment, when it’s not life, but the size and shape and well being of a person is what for some matters most. Recensie
After Love is a wonderful drama movie to watch. Everything goes so smoothly in the movie that you don’t even feel the time that passes by quickly. Recensie
This short film within eight minutes delivers a delightful result more than any full-length film could ever accomplish. Recensie
Le Ciel Flamand is a devastatingly powerful drama that not everyone can watch to its conclusion. Recensie
Graduation is cleverly written and directed by Cristian Mungiu who captures brilliantly a complex issue with delicate approach. Recensie
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