Dit zijn alle films en series die Victor heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Dirty Movies.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1065 / 1065
Sinister suburban comedy from Italy is a hybrid amalgam of hapless children and maladroit parents. Recensie
The king of slow cinema is back after a seven-year hiatus with a rare and valuable gem, with a duration of more than two hours. Recensie
Spectacular Iranian movie divided into four short stories reflects about the complacence, the complicity and the morality of killing. Recensie
This is a very conventional historical drama. The topic choice is fascinating, although it’s unclear how much is true and how much is fictionalised. Recensie
Franz Biberkopf becomes an African refugee struggling to settle into modern-day Germany, in this astounding adaptation of Alfred Döblin's classic. Recensie
Canteen worker of a secret Soviet research institute wrestles (both literally and metaphorically) with her coworkers, in this highly claustrophobic, violent and sexually graphic Russian flick... Recensie
The Roads Not Taken fails to achieve its full potential, and to move viewers more profoundly. Not an unpleasant ride, but Potter should have taken us all the way down the road. Recensie
Hittman has created yet another auspicious drama about a despondent young person dealing with the consequences of sex. Recensie
The entire movie is dotted with comedic and farcical elements, as if mocking the conveniently malleable nature of “the truth”. Recensie
The extensive conversations are simple and mundane on the surface, yet dotted with subtle humour and peculiar pearls of wisdom. Recensie
Abel Ferrara's latest drama is a bizarre patchwork of geographic and psychological references, starring Willem Dafoe. Recensie
My Little Sister is a crude and merciless portrait of a terminal disease. Be prepared for a rough ride, devoid of lyricism and romanticising. Recensie
Josephine Decker’s fourth feature fiction is crafted like a horror movie, with dark imagery, unusual angles and action confined mostly to one creepy Gothic mansion. It’s mostly effective, yet rather conventional for a director more used to formally complex and multilayered movies. Recensie
The film provides some interesting insight into the African cultures of Brazil. But it fails to go into too much depth. Recensie
Dotted with awkward surprises and very strange symbolisms, Undine firmly establishes the Christian Petzold’s reputation as one of Germany’s most innovative auteurs. Recensie
In aesthetic and formal terms, this is a very unusual and audacious film. The problem is that it simply fails to captivate and moo-ve! Recensie
Urgent in its simplicity, Philippe Garrel's filmmaking continues to impress after nearly six decades. Recensie
Biopic of Antonio Ligabue, one of the greatest Naive artists of the 20th century, is aesthetically accomplished yet a little soporific. Recensie
Wacky Argentinian comedy-horror deep-dives into the twisted psychology of a female dubber and singer. Recensie
Corporate greed poisons a small community of Japan, in this real-life drama about environmental pollution and international solidarity, starring Johnny Depp. Recensie
Highly digestible drama reflects on the conflict between literary aspirations and industry demands. Recensie
Construction worker separated from his family in Romania has to grapple with financial hardship and bigotry in Brexit Britain, in a psychological drama prescient of a bleak future to come. Recensie
A tender coming-of-age story set against a very tragic backdrop. Recensie
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