These are all the movies and series that Derrick has reviewed.
Number of movie reviews: 1134 / 1134
There’s real enjoyment to be had and the film holds many sparks of truth relating to the characters.
An okay movie that began with a lot of promise and ended as a bit of a missed opportunity.
Managed to capture that slick hidden element that’s been missing from Disney since the early 90’s. This is pure magic!
A weird slice of entertainment delivered by the esteemed Coen brothers.
A very rewarding experience that offers some food for thought about the piracy situation...
Not fantastic or terrific, but it’s very good and plenty of fun.
Not only a phenomenal film, it’s also one of the very best 2013 has to offer.
Seemed like I was waiting a lot, in the sense that I was waiting for it to be funny and when I realized this wasn’t going to happen, waiting for it to be over.
It’s a rowdy fun time, but there are some big issues with the film as well. It’s good, but that’s about all it is.
A fun thrill-ride that reminds one just how wild and crazy cinema can get…and still have a brain.
A blast that will entertain and thrill. This is a solid recommendation!
It's got a fair share of tender moments and the film never screws anything up beyond repair...
A decent little family film that was followed by two sequels, both of which are better than this original film.
One of the best crime movies I’ve seen in my life...
Isn’t up there on the same level as Goodfellas, but it comes very close.
There are a good amount of laughs to be had and the fight scenes are just plain cool.
The balance of comedy and romance is a line finely walked.
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