Dit zijn alle films en series die Derrick heeft gerecenseerd.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1134 / 1134
An 80s horror throwback that proudly wears its influences on its sleeve, while also transcending into its own cinematic nightmare.
A fun watch, but suffers from lots of problems that are impossible to ignore.
An entertaining and (at points) scary found-footage horror anthology...
An entertaining enough time for gangster movie fans, but don’t expect anything great.
An interesting watch. Just be prepared to be left wanting more (in a bad way).
An ingenious piece of entertainment and filmmaking.
One of the worst action films that I’ve had the displeasure of sitting through.
A wacky comedy about prankster state troopers that engage in all sorts of shenanigans and occasionally do their jobs in a silly manner.
A visually awesome, action-packed, and (somewhat) brainy piece of sci-fi entertainment.
Each antagonist has a distinct look and colorful personality behind them.
Is legitimately well made and builds a thick layer of suspense that is sure to make the viewer uneasy.
Delivers in its monsters and they almost single-handedly make up for the film’s many, many problems.
Introduced a few entertaining spins on the age-old superhero origin formula…but it definitely could have been better.
A psychological chiller that goes off the beaten path in a lot of ways and progressively gets darker as it goes along...
A lively musical, an uplifting fantasy, emotional romance and good old-fashioned entertainment...
One of the ballsiest comedies that I’ve ever seen and also contains a stroke of truth in it.
Makes an eerie impression through strong visuals, a tense atmosphere, disturbing subject matter, and great performances...
The action is fun and the half-assed thriller script is entertaining for what it is.
A very entertaining action flick with spurts of insanity, plenty of humor, a cast of colorful characters, and constant fun...
An interesting, thought-provoking and compellingly imperfect piece of gorgeously animated science-fiction.
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