Dit zijn alle films en series die Hamish heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: HCMovieReviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 988 / 988
Jessica Chastain anchors the film with her tremendous performance consistently stimulating audiences. Recensie
The lower ranks of the ‘Alien’ franchise. Recensie
The performances are fantastic across the board and the film can’t be faulted on them. Recensie
There is some fun to be had with the action sequences, although all this can’t save the film from it’s own monotony, poor writing and un-engaging lead performer. Recensie
Offers silly fun and an ample way to pass your time. Recensie
It’s a fine film, playing out like a forgettable episode of ’24’. Recensie
Full of wicked humour, steamy encounters and jaw dropping drama... Recensie
A slightly flawed but largely successful historical drama. Recensie
Humour fills the void until the real story reveals itself near the finale, bringing with it some very entertaining drama. Recensie
Jessica Chastain really makes the film work and brilliantly pays tribute to another hero of history. Recensie
The charming lead along with the rest of the performers fulfill their roles nicely creating an entertaining story. Recensie
Riotous B-movie fun, with its killer concept and solid execution audiences won’t be disappointed. Recensie
A crowd pleasing triumph which should cater for viewers across several generations. Recensie
Heigl’s incredibly camp performance, a change from her usual rom-com typecasting, is the best thing about the film. Recensie
The cast are one of the strongest elements of the film, with all members pulling their weight and providing quality performances. Recensie
Feels like a subdued Woody Allen flick. Recensie
It’s a sell out of the biggest kind, satisfying the needs of casual mainstream viewers in spectacular fashion. Recensie
There are moments of quality and the cast still have their wonderful chemistry but as a whole the film is easily the weakest entry in the series. Recensie
Finely tunes it’s cast including all the essential players and getting rid of any dead weight it had been carrying. Recensie
This entry also has the most authentic feel of family before the future films take this element too far. Recensie
The writing is probably at it’s strongest here too with an interesting story built around the villain of the film, Braga. Recensie
The lack of either Diesel or Walker does cost the film somewhat however transporting to a completely different continent manages keep things fresh. Recensie
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