Dit zijn alle films en series die Matt heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Maddwolf.
Aantal filmrecensies: 86 / 86
Giving that perspective such lyric treatment is certainly a choice. Even when the blows don’t connect, there’s something to be said for action with ambition. Recensie
You won’t hear anything new, but a lot of it is genuinely funny and well-delivered. Recensie
With his nonstop pace, steady stream of exotic settings and action that never gets bogged down in its own seriousness, Wan’s entry in the genre hits the mark as his loving homage to vintage Spielberg and Lucas—plus tentacles. Recensie
Whatever the reason, this deadly serious comedy of manners is among the director’s—and the year’s—best. Recensie
The most refreshing part of Bloom’s perspective is that it means we’re subjected to a surprisingly little amount of armchair analysis. Recensie
Charm City probably shouldn’t be the only film to watch if you’re looking to go deeper on criminal justice in America, but it’s a fine and no less urgent place to start. Recensie
Finkiel pieces together a fitting adaptation, and if the parts never hold together long enough to say some cohesive whole... Recensie
Stern’s documentary is an illuminating anatomy of what went wrong from a liberal perspective, but it’s probably not the one he intended to make. Recensie
Doesn’t offer up much replay value as anything more than a fun but forgettable live-action video game level. Recensie
A new film from Hirokazu Kore-eda that goes from courtroom procedural to riveting thriller to heady exploration of truth and objectivity in rapid succession. Recensie
A road trip movie that never leaves its first city... Recensie
The predictable setup makes Life of the Party diverting yet wholly forgettable. Recensie
The plot is inane and the dialogue breaks new ground in expository heights... Recensie
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