These are all the movies and series that Alex has reviewed. Read more at: CineFiles Movie Reviews.
Number of movie reviews: 696 / 696
The editing is sharp, the camera captures each oozing drop of blood, and the entire landscape is captured in crisp orange hues... Review
The stylization, with the rich textures and visual motifs, is the driving force. Review
Has multiple tense sequences that are bound to be memorable. Review
A good angle in this regard, even if the execution does not yield the most compelling or even-keeled result. Review
Tosses a lot at the wall when it comes to its comedy, but the cast makes most of the material work. Review
A manic melodrama that flails around blindly for some sort of grasp on tone or subtext. Review
An average science fiction adventure story that is overstuffed and relies on nods to better films and video games... Review
Perhaps it will service whatever desire fans of the first film are looking for in a sequel, but it nevertheless fails to compel on its own merits. Review
A B-movie plot wrapped up in these corporate tensions in a way that does not mesh. Review
Maintains a lot of the conventions, awkward humor, and superficial plotting of its genre. Review
When you simplify it that far, the entire movie becomes farcical. Review
Does not insult their intelligence, gives them a story with a positive message, and shows an earnest drive towards creativity and originality. Review
The characters are surface-level, the plot is scattered and sparse, and the subject matter is ultimately thin. Review
Dresses itself up as a sleek espionage thriller with gritty undertones, and never does anything worthwhile with that framework. Review
The conundrum is how to reconcile the poor narrative construction and the sublime technical craft at work here. Review
A dark comedy with a lot of clever writing embedded into it. Review
Lacks a forward momentum that justifies the wait to the final sequence... Review
Strictly in comparison to the other films, Fifty Shades Freed is a masterpiece. In comparison with any other film, it is an insult. Review
It is generically conventional and generally uninteresting. It is competently directed, for the most part... Review
The story that can be parsed from this conglomeration of tropes is not even worth a cursory glance. Review
A fantastical film with charm and visual verve. Review
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