Dit zijn alle films en series die Alex heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: CineFiles Movie Reviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 696 / 696
Links the two eponymous names in a way that is intriguing and inspiring. Recensie
A messy film that otherwise does not stand on its own as something with a qualitative net positive. Recensie
An inspired first foray into directing for Gerwig. Even when it stumbles, it stumbles graciously. Recensie
The bad outweighs the good when it comes to the comedy. Many scenes play out to utter silence. Recensie
A fine little mystery film, innocuous more than anything. Recensie
Unrelenting, consistent, and wholly unexpected. Recensie
What is left are the bones of a film that could have been much better. Recensie
A superfluous addition to a horror franchise that just will not die. Recensie
As satisfying an experience as a horror sequel can be. Recensie
Bleak and atmospheric, balanced with a deliberate gait from scene to scene, and acted with unrelenting vigor... Recensie
A tedious, low-intelligence continuation of one of the lesser ’80s slasher franchises. Recensie
Will awe you with its exquisite fight choreography and brilliant handling of the camera in and out of combat. Recensie
Performances from Foy and Garfield are admirable... Recensie
It bounces lightly while never disparaging the reality of the situation. Recensie
Inert and stagnant when it comes to building the suspense... Recensie
A loose narrative that too often loses sight of what is genuinely engaging about its premise. Recensie
A satisfying story. Recensie
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