These are all the movies and series that Jeremie has reviewed. Read more at: Cinema Smack.
Number of movie reviews: 460 / 460
Even with its shortcomings though, the film is still entertaining and will keep you invested. If you simply take Bohemian Rhapsody for what it is, it’s a mostly good time at the movies. Review
A ridiculously important film and deserves much more credit than it’s sometimes given. Review
The film is well made with great cinematography, camerawork, and music. The acting is good across the board and every character is there to enhance the overall story. Review
An enticing first half is offset by a bumbling second but there’s a lot to appreciate. Review
It’s a decent sequel that will leave fans wondering what could’ve been with some fine-tuning moreso than a vehicle to usher in new fans to the franchise. Review
A great film overall. One could even say that it’s close to exceptional. Yet, the storytelling aspect is almost there but falls just short. Review
When the scares really get going, the film turns into pure insanity. Sure, it gets a little ridiculous but it’s still a lot of fun. Review
Everything about The Omen just works and it still holds up to this day. Review
Most certainly inferior to the original, there’s still plenty to like. Review
A very watchable film. The problem is that the film can’t seem to latch onto what makes the story interesting and it does suffer because of it. Review
The characters are alright at best but after 107 minutes of bland action, boring story, and horribly unfunny jokes, you’ll be pleading for the film’s end. Review
Unfortunately, the jump scares, lame story, and run of the mill CGI set this one back quite a bit. Review
A unique experience that’s surprisingly well made. Unlike most films with an emphasis on technology, this one expertly utilizes it instead of simply making fun or citing the dangers of it. Review
It’s an interesting little story that’s bolstered by its unique cinematography and some fine acting. Review
Backed by excellent performances from its two lead actors, hopefully Sacred Heart is a sign of things to come from director Kosta Nikas. Review
Even its horribly lovable puppet characters can’t save it from unfunny jokes, a messy, unresolved story, and, of course, Melissa McCarthy herself. Review
The comic moments are very good and the more thought-provoking scenes are excellent. Review
If you’re a fan of old exploitation and horror films, this is a film for you. Review
The film is well written and directed while also having something to say. Review
There are also some genuinely eerie scenes towards the end of the film that are otherwise lacking throughout. Review
It’s fun to watch, has memorable characters (old and new), and boasts some great action scenes. Review
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