Dit zijn alle films en series die Richard heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: CineMuseFilms.
Aantal filmrecensies: 352 / 352
The dialogue is trite and unfunny, and attempts at absurdist humour fall flat, or worse, are alienating. Recensie
His story is whimsically satirical rather than funny and at times it wobbles precariously on the inter-personal dynamic between two unpleasant stereotypes... Recensie
A finely balanced deep scar-tissue examination of the emotional impact of child sexual abuse... Recensie
A well-directed dialogue-driven film. Recensie
The filming is sumptuous, the sets magnificently authentic, the acting is excellent, and the narrative unfolds with epic grandeur. Recensie
Depicts the slavery era with gritty and bloody realism. Recensie
Anna Kendrick plays the perfect balance between awkward, aggrieved, and aggressive, and the randoms are standard comic stereotypes. Recensie
A story of courage and triumph, told from a woman’s viewpoint, with top-tier production values in filming, acting, and narrative. Recensie
Multi-layered with intense emotion that is explored at the personal and national levels. Recensie
An engaging thriller that echoes parental warnings about strangers with nice smiles. Recensie
An entertaining horror spoof mixed with clever racial satire... Recensie
Poignantly captures the fragility of life in the London Blitz with detailed attention to nostalgic sets, costumes, and mannerisms of an era. Recensie
In terms of the need for the bigger story to be told, this film should be rated highly but as cinema it is seriously flawed. Recensie
Totally driven by characterisation that is earthy, understated and open-hearted... Recensie
The cinematography, period sets and fashion captures the culture and style of the era. Recensie
A film rich in metaphor and ironic distortions. Recensie
It is a tense thriller with several twists and turns, but none greater than its elaborate and contrived finale. Recensie
Shines a bright light on what has hitherto been a dark secret of Danish history. It is a powerful and important story. Recensie
It is a deep, thought-provoking film that is light on action but rich in dialogue that explores a taken-for-granted human function. Recensie
With a tension curve that never rises, the climax comes out of the same bottom-drawer that most B-grade horror endings are found. Recensie
A feel-good story despite some gritty realism and one that will please enthusiastic cat-lovers everywhere. Recensie
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