These are all the movies and series that Vincent has reviewed. Read more at: Qwipster's Movie Reviews.
Number of movie reviews: 4223 / 4223
Like Philomena herself, the film that is her namesake is simple in its manner, but underneath, it is full of wisdom,,... Review
Inside Llewyn Davis is a circular story, which, like the ballads contained within the film, repeats motifs like lyrics of a,... Review
Had it played as a dark, psychological, real-life thriller along the lines of, say, Notes on a Scandal, the ground would have,... Review
And you never see any of the real mothers or adoptive fathers of any of these children, including one who ends up in the,... Review
Other than the performances, the one unique thing about this adaptation is the way that it is presented. Review
The film sets up for an intended third movie, which, given the lucrative success of African-American films of late at the box,... Review
Perhaps movie magic will be made the next time around. Review
There is even an moment of intertitle dialogue when a black opponent is referred to with a harsh epithet by one of the... Review
Despite hearing her thoughts, which are so jumbled together so as to be unintelligible, we know very little about what makes her... Review
-- Stay tuned after the film is over for a mid-credits scene that ties in to an upcoming Marvel film, and a lighthearted, post... Review
I would also say that, above its importance as a story, I also appreciate the craft, skill and care to which such a powder-keg... Review
While the production values are certainly commendable given the meager resources, this story would have produced a stinker at... Review
Perhaps if the film could have mined more from this dramatic angle early on, the tone could have been set for a poignant,... Review
In Tim, she finds a man willing to hit the reset button enough times to get to know her as if he could read her instantly,... Review
An epic saga should feel like a saga, not a minimalist rush job to spend more time on effects and action. Review
Yet, as tacky and crass as the situations can sometimes be, at least we know that for every bad one, there will likely be a... Review
Part of the reason it sags a bit when it should soar comes from the realization that this is a film that is more about the nifty... Review
There really is no way to quantify exactly why it all works, and works so well, as each part of the ensemble only adds to the... Review
Seeing heads transplanted between humans and Chihuahuas might have seemed like a funny, surreal sight gag on paper, but it plays... Review
Angelina Jolie had originally been cast in the role, which may have been more on target. Review
Add to this the much more eventful survival-at-sea adventure of Captain Phillips, and this is one movie that will need more than... Review
The screenplay has that manufactured drama feel to it. Review
Meanwhile, Stallone plays his role straight, and even though both credited leads are well into their 60s, they still exude a... Review
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