Dit zijn alle films en series die Vincent heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Qwipster's Movie Reviews.
Aantal filmrecensies: 4223 / 4223
With solid thespians and a director with a real eye for virtuoso camera work, Wanted is only a dynamite script away from being... Recensie
The impact may not be felt now, but as the young viewers grow older, the weight of a film like WALL-E may manifest itself in a... Recensie
I think this is wrongheaded thinking all around. Recensie
Get Smart has some choice references to the original television show, but most of those are merely cosmetic, as we see familiar,... Recensie
The end of the film has Cassandra marry Bobby, not because her character as established ever would, but merely to deliver an,... Recensie
Banal arguments substitute for romance, while his idea of action is to up the noise factor with each increasing plot twist. Recensie
Too uneven to please mainstream moviegoers, but just odd enough to please the cult comedy crowd. Recensie
With loads of action, intrigue, adventure, humor, tragedy, thrills, and even a little romance, The Professionals, like the,... Recensie
Nevertheless, while the artistic license may strain credibility in the finale, by the point they occur, the entertainment value,... Recensie
Not much happening here, folks, unless you enjoy seeing a formidable filmmaker follow his characters footsteps by committing... Recensie
The Incredible Hulk may not be an unequivocal smash, but Hulk does do a lot of smashing. Recensie
Good character actors do breathe life into roles that lack dimension, though the acting as a whole can be spotty, particularly... Recensie
The voice work is also quite good, with the celebrities actually giving life to the characters independent of their own,,... Recensie
Once he gets rid of formulaic tendencies, such as the crutch of using mood songs repeatedly to give the feel of a typical,... Recensie
Semi-Pro should have been a slam dunk for Ferrell and his gang of rowdy idiots, instead of an moon-shot air ball too feeble to... Recensie
My advice, if you end up renting this: watch it until you can figure out where things are leading, and once your interest,... Recensie
-- Follows First Blood, Rambo: First Blood Part II, and Rambo III. Recensie
Long-shots frame young Charlie increasingly, showing the claustrophobic feelings she must have when there is a killer in the,... Recensie
I went to the film to have a good time, and it gave me everything I could want. Recensie
Face the Music no doubt made many moviegoers about face. Recensie
Even the trailer and DVD menus tend to have us anticipating events within the film that we are better off not knowing prior to,... Recensie
Interesting that, once upon a time, this was the duo that challenged us with the notion that reality was a fiction, with all of... Recensie
- Followed by The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Recensie
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