Dit zijn alle films en series die Filipe heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Always Good Movies.
Aantal filmrecensies: 2034 / 2034
It’s a visceral experience that, unabashedly, takes the podium for this particular topic, alongside European contemporary classics such as Vera Drake and 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days. Recensie
Moved by genuine love and monumental compassion, Great Freedom becomes an accomplished picture as a result, succeeding beyond all possible sentimental trappings that are common to the genre. Recensie
The film is remarkably interpreted by Bogdan, and well seconded by Boris Isakovic, who manages to get on our nerves while impersonating the condescending head of the local social service department. Recensie
Denoting a certain grim integrity, the film has its visual beauty exceeded only by the gruesomeness of the violence. As for the rest, there’s a scarce amount of cleverness here. Recensie
Endorsing the patterns of several classics but endowing them with unbridled new audacity, this shocker also provides substantial gore. Recensie
If you’re into unpretentious, funny films that offer multiple scenarios as a 70-minute escapist entertainment, then the cinematic ingredients of Sexual Drive should be enough for you to have a good time. Recensie
Co-written and directed by Roshan Sethi, and produced by the Duplass Brothers, the film is somewhat predictable but to the point, incorporating a few zany situations that really made me laugh. Recensie
Unfolding with the enthrallment of some classics - directors Kon Ichikawa and Masaki Kobayashi are probably influences - the film is a seamless, nearly absurd, and pity-free account of a particular war episode that is, nevertheless, quite touching. Recensie
This bittersweet picture is as odd as it is mesmerizing. Even if over-ambitious at times, it still unveils disenchantment, disgrace, survival, and avidity with a personal touch. Recensie
About halfway, an unexpected occurrence creates the erroneous sensation that the film would turn for the better. The proceedings remained dull just the same, whereas the final twist, more than predictable, is dispassionate. Windfall is a huge misfire. Recensie
Having the sci-fi aspect blending with faster-than-Bruce-Lee kung fu scenes, the creators pile a few too many additional oddities into the mix, but the film supports its wild premise with a skillful direction and fine responses from the stellar ensemble cast. Recensie
Although I wish that very last section wouldn’t exist, the film’s controlled cynicism quietly penetrated my mind, leaving a good mark. Rylance is excellent, and Flynn makes for a truly insidious villain. Recensie
I cannot say it's not well-intentioned and kind in nature, I just wasn’t particularly stricken by its attempting spells, which felt more conventional than magical. Recensie
Although just fraught enough to make us keep watching, the film manages to keep these deceptive plates spinning for longer than most, but ultimately lacks ambition. Recensie
The pleasures here are not gory or frenzy but rather quiet chilly vibes that should equally resonate with horror film fans. Recensie
Hence, what we have here is nothing transcendental nor mind-blowing; it’s just an exercise in mood that makes us believe we are stepping in supernatural terrain. Recensie
Moghadam carries the film on her shoulders, assuring that Ballad of a White Cow becomes a pertinent and beautifully acted piece of work in its own right. Recensie
The jokes don’t work, the scenes are recklessly mounted with extravagant coincidence, and there’s a constant struggle to empathize with the protagonist duo. It’s all very unimaginative, and the entertaining qualities claimed fall to pieces. Patience is a requisite if you want to sit through this soulless yet visually acceptable adventure. Recensie
The film is turned into a further embarrassment through forced coincidences, the absence of thrilling moments, and an unremarkable execution. Believe it or not, its most outstanding achievement was making me laugh without even trying to be funny. Recensie
With minor quibbles, Topside offers an affecting, if distressing, glimpse into an appalling situation that, known as real, deserves more attention than it actually gets. Recensie
It's all very obvious, gross and repellent in its deplorable show off. Thus, it’s sad that anyone can claim any type of cleverness or even good entertainment to what is offered here. Recensie
Sweat survives its glossy production varnish due to the emotional stakes of the plot and a confident performance by Koleśnik, who doesn’t vacillate when it comes to choosing between honesty and hypocrisy. The tension sometimes wanes along the way, but the final stretch ensures that the film ends on a fairly compelling note. Recensie
The constantly tense atmosphere and dark tones of the film are stressed by the unfailingly rigorous lens of cinematographer Sergio Armstrong, and the sometimes unsettling, sometimes sad sound design of Mauricio López. Recensie
A lyrical sense of bittersweet acceptance permeates the film, and the cinematography amplifies the sense of wintry desolation. Still, the images are brashly poetic rather than debilitating. Recensie
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