Dit zijn alle films en series die Filipe heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Always Good Movies.
Aantal filmrecensies: 2034 / 2034
Temple’s great performance convinced me of her character’s madness but didn’t absolve Silva from an obtuse plot that didn’t even know what to do with its ending. Magic Magic is a totally expendable thriller that lacks nerve. Recensie
Every single character in this film can aspire to be super-something, but Kick-Ass 2 is assuredly miles and miles away from being a super-movie. No more sequels of this crap... please!! Recensie
The performances are one of its strong features, and counted with the guest appearance of Jane Birkin. Recensie
Meteora is a rewarding and incisive film about desire, sin, faith, and human conscience, which comes strongly recommended. Recensie
Amanda Seyfried and Peter Sarsgaard’s performances were positive but incapable to save this film from being an ordinary biopic. Recensie
The insipid and messy plot, presented very few believable aspects, and the movie loses itself in uninteresting shootings and tawdry situations. Recensie
The Iceman is watchable and occasionally gripping, but not so accurate in its story. Recensie
The colors, soundtrack, and camera work, created a stifling background in tones of noir, filled with merciless violence and fulminant moves. Never bland or uninteresting, Elysium is not totally unexpected but guaranteed my attention from start to finish. Recensie
My advise here is: if you are an enthusiast of romantic films, go for it; otherwise don’t bother because “Drinking Buddies” is just another film that doesn’t stand out in any particular aspect. Recensie
Don’t be discouraged, since Museum Hours has so much to offer in an unpretentious way, that this trip to Vienna comes very much recommended. Recensie
Kenji Ushida's third feature film may bring him back the deserved international attention that he once had in 2005 with A Stranger Of Mine. Recensie
With consistent performances and a competent direction, Prince Avalanche will probably work fine for those who are watching this simple story for the first time. Recensie
Lying or not lying, the result was always cruelty, and in the end, even I felt ready to confess anything in order to stop witnessing those distressing and fatiguing atrocities. Recensie
Nonetheless, these aspects didn't remove its effectiveness in denouncing the extreme nationalism in Turkey and the cynicism involved in one of the most barbarian genocides in the history of mankind. Recensie
If Smashed showed some signs of Ponsoldt’s cleverness and accuracy behind the cameras, The Spectacular Now stepped up one level, foreseeing a bright future for this young talented filmmaker. Recensie
Its beautiful ending, along with natural and convincing performances, helped In The Family to stand out as a humanist, realistic, and unaggressive tale about a good man that was forced to go against a family that he considered his own. Recensie
Its disenchantment along with tensionless resolutions proved that Neil Jordan and his vampires already had better days. Recensie
Jug Face was simply a somewhat bizarre film, which was not so gripping after all. Recensie
The performances were simply superb, leading Dequenne to win the Un Certain Regard Award for best actress at Cannes, while Lafosse showed to be a filmmaker with exceptional maturity, presenting us another extraordinary accomplishment in his career. Recensie
The grave silences and revelatory looks speak for themselves, and the film runs patiently towards its freeing ending. Penetrating and uncomfortable, Shell is an outstanding film that shall not be ignored. Recensie
In soft pale colors, and frequent close-ups, here is another perspective of Philippines’ tough reality, leaving us with the essential question posed by the nuns: why God wants us to go through all this? Recensie
With some drawbacks and lack of funny moments (that’s not what I would expect from this super-hero), The Wolverine provided us with decent action scenes and didn’t leave a bad impression of the most prominent X-Men's mutant hero. Recensie
Pretentious or not in its disjointed structure, I cannot deny that I was immerse in the story till the end, but can only recommend it for those who don’t mind to have something to decode in practically every scene. It just aims to our senses without worrying with any particular message or logic. Recensie
By creating a consistent and funny portrait that confronts insane ambition with cheerful modesty, Allen made of Blue Jasmine his best work since Match Point. Recensie
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