Dit zijn alle films en series die Filipe heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Always Good Movies.
Aantal filmrecensies: 2034 / 2034
It gives a class about marriage counseling where the actors shine but without much to take as a lesson. See it at your own risk. Recensie
The Island President shows the magnificent beauty of the islands in addition to the sad evidence of the ocean rising waters. Hope is still alive but the reality is very shocking and worrying, making us realize that this problem must be urgently solved. Recensie
This uncertainty thwarted any potential strength and originality depicted, depriving the viewer from taking it on a deeper level. Rachel Harris gets to be annoying on several moments in Robby Pickering’s forgettable debut drama. Recensie
If you don’t take Premium Rush too seriously, it can be entertaining and deliver some dizzying movement, but in case you do, you’ll find some flaws that might push you away. Recensie
Denzel Washington, Kelly Reilly and John Goodman, the latter with two fantastic appearances, helped to make Flight memorable. Recensie
Good performance by the young actor Aneurin Barnard, as well as a promising first direction from the Irish Ciaran Foy. Recensie
Never boring, it shows the deplorable reality for those who don’t know what to do with so much money and the complete insensitivity and slouch when the things go wrong. It can be seen as a tragic-comic piece of live cinema and believe me, it worth the peek. Recensie
Using an engaging style and the typical colors from the Pacific lands, Boy covers father/son relationship and the power of forgiveness without being too sentimental or boring. For an agreeable matinee. Recensie
If you like sturdy action, where the impossible becomes possible, this certainly is a film for you. Recensie
The story doesn’t rush to action. It warms the things up with some loose cases and quotidian life, until finally break into wild shooting scenes. Enough material to make us enjoy cop movies again. Recensie
The simple idea of a teddy bear having such a pretty girlfriend was a little too strained, reminding us of how unreal this story is. However, it works fine if you simply let yourself go by Ted’s frantic life. Recensie
Dark humor adorns the weirdness of the plot, making Alps a good choice for the alternative movies’ fans. Recensie
The cinematography is the only reason why you would want to watch this movie, considering that a few laughs of absurdity aren’t enough to make it worth. Recensie
Too many answers are left aside in a movie with good action scenes but lacking brain. I see it as a predictable and inconclusive story. Not recommended. Recensie
Watchable? Yes, but often with indifference or impatience during large periods of time. Recensie
Very well structured, the message is clear and loud: have a second thought in case you are considering to enlist in US military. Most of the cases are archived and the aggressors stay unpunished. Recensie
The acting of young Rick Lens was genuine and despite of the sudden change in his father's behavior near the end, all seemed very natural. Recensie
An honest portrait of the author, demystifying the idea of a cold man and offender of Catholic Church. Recensie
The dialogues were very limited and the movie started to drag, softening my enthusiasm. Wuthering Heights certainly is not among Arnold’s best works, but still can attract followers of independent movies. Recensie
It’s not very accurate or detailed about some of the stuff covered, including how far freedom can go in our society, but otherwise provides essential information for us to understand the basic principles and goals of their actions. Recensie
I would say that it had a determined approach without being fantastic or being able to reach our emotions deeply. Even though, I recommend it for the fans of French light cinema. Recensie
The movie takes good advantage of some sensitive moments in the story but exaggerates on the effects. Recensie
It fails mostly on the ability to scare us. The characters are uninteresting, even when exposing their personal problems, and the horror scenes aren’t sufficiently persuasive or intense for us to hold our breath. Recensie
We are before an enjoyable, smart and sometimes disarming picture. And yes!…like most of the comedies it has a couple of silly moments, which in this case worked wondrously. Recensie
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