These are all the movies and series that Rachel has reviewed. Read more at: Maddwolf.
Number of movie reviews: 192 / 192
For a first feature, Rosman has brought to the table a film that preys on some of our most innate fears, those that might be especially raw considering recent global events. Add in some truly disturbing and bloody practical effects, and we’re given a thriller that is effectively terrifying. Review
The slap-stick style comedy will definitely work for some, but comedy is one of the toughest sells. What resonates is not so much the humor but the desperation that comes with needing a job – even if you have superpowers. Review
Food, Inc. 2 raises urgent issues. It’s essential that we listen. Review
Not much really sets this movie apart except for the music, and each scene seems to drive you toward the next musical number. While it’s not entirely unappealing, it is a bit underwhelming. Review
Mad Props flounders, never quite telling its story in a cohesive, interesting way. Review
For those unfamiliar with Frida Kahlo, this is a lush and impressive introduction to her life and art. Review
The battle choreography is enjoyable, and the fights come fast and furious after the initial set up. There is intrigue, betrayal, and a woman warrior who cements it all in an absorbing character. Review
The movie isn’t perfect, but it’s touching. There is a quiet sadness that haunts Stéphane as we follow him through his memories. Review
Float boasts an endearing tenderness. Bang can carry the film’s emotional weight, her range of emotion spilling over into each scene. A mixed bag, Float at least has a unique take on the rom-com formula. Review
Reflect excels at delivering a game cast of women who play off each other with the authentic dynamic of friends. Review
Migration fits the bill for lighthearted fun. But its predictability and shallow characters limit its potential to become anyone’s newest holiday favorite. Review
While it might be overlooked in comparison to other, recent murder mysteries, it’s not fair to draw too many comparisons. This is a movie that deserves its own consideration, and you’ll have fun if you let yourself be draw into the mystery. Review
If you’re in the mood for something different, Love Virtually might satisfy that craving, but not for very long. Review
While the writing can sometimes leave a little to be desired, the film’s overall effect is entertaining. If you like creature features, each of Cryptids little creature slices is enjoyably nasty. Review
A few moments try too hard for profundity and instead stumble over stereotypical conversation. It’s disappointing that these unnatural moments shoulder their way into a film more notable for its naturalism. However, Waiting for the Light to Change rights itself as it progresses. Review
Liebmann excels. He brings multiple facets to what could be a simplistic or stereotypical portrayal. Review
Plan C’s plan of action to tackle the law is to keep getting information into women’s hands. Review
There are a few humorous scenes that help balance the film’s weaker moments, but even these successes aren’t enough to completely negate the less interesting scenes. Review
Goorjian delivers a heartfelt love letter to Armenia and the resilience of its people. Review
In the end, Owen’s seems more interested in delivering a message than a wholly satisfying film. Review
There is a sensitivity to Xiaoyu and Chao’s relationship that would have strengthened the film had it been further explored. The lack of mystery might have been less bothersome had the two main characters been allowed to explore the grief that binds them. Unfortunately, what could have been an interesting character study is instead a lifeless mystery. Review
While Lola has a one or two stand out moments, the overall output is a mess. The theme of leaving the present unaltered based on what one knows of the future has been explored before. Lola offers nothing new save a questionable perspective on taking any action at all. Review
Even if low-budget action movies aren’t your thing, Isaac’s enthusiasm for movie making is palpable. It makes Czubek’s documentary stand as one of the finest send ups to the joy that is movie making. Review
Most of what the film does works to serve its purpose. The few moments where it stumbles almost feel necessary as it accurately reflects Ramy’s world. Review
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