Dit zijn alle films en series die Bob heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: One Mann's Movies.
Aantal filmrecensies: 867 / 867
I thought this was a well-made film that kept my interest until the very end. Recensie
Is it going to go down as a movie classic? No. But it is a pleasant and enjoyable cinema outing that I think will do well with mums/dads taking their 10-and-up sons/daughters to. Recensie
As a part biopic / part documentary, I really enjoyed the documentary part and the glimpse into Fox’s current medical struggles. I was less of a fan of the way that the biopic part was done, but – hey – that might just be a personal view. Recensie
As a history of the event (#neverforget) it is a well-delivered piece. But the addition of McAveer’s changed perspective makes for a really interesting documentary. Recensie
This is an astonishingly proficient film, and I absolutely loved it. Recensie
This feels like a ‘good film’ with fine acting performances, generally good direction and a very clever and intricate script. But it’s also a challenging watch... Recensie
This is a ‘nice’ and charming little film that tells a story well. And as a lessen in acting, you really can’t do better than examining the work here of Jim Broadbent and Penelope Wilton. Recensie
It’s a fun Marvel outing that will please the fans I think. And it’s certainly a more watchable Marvel movie than we’ve had of late. Recensie
It’s a very SOLID biopic. But there’s no real pizzazz to it. Recensie
Documentaries focused on specific people should help elevate the worthiest of them for broader recognition. And this documentary does just that.o... Recensie
It rollocks along at an excellent clip. It’s funny and engaging and made 100 minutes fly by. If it hadn’t tried to be a bit too ambitious with its storyline, this was well on-course to be a 5* classic for me. Recensie
I enjoyed this one. A great story, told ‘straight’ for once. A reminder of my 17th century history that I have forgotten. And a plush and luxurious looking film. Recensie
This is another of those B-Movies that comes as a really nice surprise. Clever, well-paced and with multiple cunning twists, I can see this thriller being a solid-gold hit with audiences. Recensie
An engrossing watch, I really enjoyed this one and would highly recommend it if you can find it in cinemas still. Or, I guess, watch out for it on streaming soon. Recensie
I enjoyed this far more than I expected to. Hoult and Cage are a blast together and I found the black comedy very much aligned with my own personal funny-bone. Yes, it could have been even better. But my views overall don’t align here with the majority of the mainstream critics on this one. Recensie
It has the makings of a watchable B-movie thriller romp, but the execution is decidedly “meh”. In particular, some script choices seem completely inexplicable and stupid. Recensie
A movie like this is already set up to fail. But when you combine that with some B-grade dialogue and dodgy acting, the movie becomes very poor indeed. Recensie
It was a survivable experience that managed not to grate too badly on me. However, it still felt like being in a tumble dryer filled with sherbet for 92 minutes. But – hey – there are worse ways to go. Recensie
I found this a really interesting film. It is full of interesting insights into the Islamic religion as well as being a tense political thriller. Too tense for some though! As a piece of cinema, it’s really well made. Tarik Saleh (still persona non-grata in Egypt) has clearly crafted here a very personal film. Recensie
It’s a pretty harmless piece of Netflix pap. I ironed my big pile of shirts to it and it kept me moderately entertained. But definitely in a very non-demanding way. It’ll not last long in my memory. Recensie
As a park-brain-at-the-door action thriller, this was just about watchable in my book. But it was also mentally disposable the moment you finish watching it. Recensie
I wasn’t ever bored by this one, and it had its moments. But The Pope’s Exorcist never quite managed to rise to its potential for me. Its early promise, in setting up the premise, tends to get dissipated in a rather generic Hollywood-horror ending. Recensie
A film of two halves, I was reckoning on a 2* or a 2.5* in the first half hour. But the story does become more interesting as the film progresses. Worth seeing for Watson and Mescal’s acting chops. But not a gripping “must-see” in my book. Recensie
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