Dit zijn alle films en series die Ulkar heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Movie Moves Me.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1695 / 1695
Searchers is a beautifully shot documentary with best intentions in mind. It shows raw human emotions, their needs, expectations and what fails them once they meet their match. Recensie
Faya Dayi is a stylish, and fairytale-like documentary that’s as beautiful as a dream. Recensie
Prime Time is a powerful hostage drama from Poland. Recensie
Ailey is a beautifully crafted documentary that centers around Alvin Ailey... Recensie
Hirori’s camera is like an eyewitness who delivers an emotionally charged atmosphere, filled with tears, grief and love. Recensie
While it may sound exciting, In the Earth is not as engaging as you would expect. Recensie
Set in LA’s empty streets, thanks to COVID, it’s an excellent background for the film that shows the loneliness of the city when it has literally no one outside. Recensie
John and the Hole is one of the most effective psychological thrillers of the year. Recensie
The family dynamic in the film is very strong as it uncovers all the dark sides of the entire family. Recensie
One for the Road is an exceptional film with a deep approach to life. With its concept, there is something we all must learn from. Recensie
In the Same Breath is a powerful depiction of the spread of the virus, how it was being ignored in the place it originated and yet was ignored by the people in the western world. Recensie
Naturalistic and richly written characters shine throughout. Filled with sign language and an uplifting story, Coda shows the true meaning of family... Recensie
But what makes it beautiful and real is its humane approach, honesty and willingness to explore the grey areas of our mind the cinematic universe has not gotten a chance to explore yet. Recensie
Luckily, this film takes the right approach for the audience to sympathize, understand and, perhaps, change their own opinion on refugees overall. Recensie
All of this is told within 10 minutes of this beautifully narrated short film that will leave you alone with your thoughts, as you continue getting mad even after the film is over. Recensie
The miniseries is so powerful and straightforward, it does not sugar-coat anything. It forces you to face the reality which is harsh enough to even believe it happened in real life. Recensie
The Midnight Sky is one of Clooney’s finest works that will be quickly forgotten and lost in the cinematic universe. Recensie
Promising Young Woman is an exceptional film that will trigger lots of discussions, especially its shocking ending that won’t please many. Recensie
The majority part of the film is a Chloë Grace Moretz show. Her facial expressions, lines delivered and the performance overall is right on spot. But it is the storyline that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Recensie
In any event, the film does not fail to paint the deep feeling of grief, immense pain, and what happens when we begin to judge instead of cherishing. Recensie
The Prom is a highly entertaining musical the kind of which must be made more often. Recensie
The beauty of the film is not only in its thoughtfulness or concept that provides food for thought. The costume and cinematography provide high contrast of an era with its black and white shades as well as the vivid colors that make it beautiful and scary at the same time. Recensie
The film does require a few touch-ups here and there. Recensie
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