Dit zijn alle films en series die The Massie Twins heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Gone With The Twins.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1321 / 1321
Creative visual repetitions; the embarrassing yet hysterical gag of an unimpressive blind date; upbeat songs; and an absurd, raucous, joyous finale, let On the Town remain an entertaining vehicle and stepping-stone for its star Kelly, who also co-directed with Stanley Donen. Recensie
It’s difficult not to appreciate the environments he’s crafted, while Pattinson is exceptional in his multiple-role performance. But for a picture that should have had so many shades of gray in its moral examinations, Mickey 17 is awfully black and white. Recensie
While it’s all agreeable and pleasant, it’s far from outstanding; it’s a very basic, formulaic, moderate inspirational drama. Recensie
The performances are fine and the weightiness of the subject matter is evident, but the script is routine and sterile, carrying on too long for the pacing to maintain interest, and ending on an unconvincing speech of inspiration. Recensie
The singing is exceptional, made more phenomenal by the fact that Spacek does her own crooning, performing Lynn’s music in such a striking fashion that anyone’s first guess would be that it couldn’t possibly be Spacek’s voice. Recensie
The title tune remains memorable (as does the parting shot), but this pioneering product-of-its-time no longer possesses much filmic power. Recensie
Few films manage this tempo, this design of striking ups and minimal downs that flawlessly – and comically – highlights pride, humility, kindness, unselfishness, leadership, and hard work. Recensie
Despite the galvanizing events taking place onscreen, what really sells the premise is Cheadle’s performance. Recensie
It’s not always original or well-executed, but the gags unfold at a quick clip, keeping up the entertainment value as the frenetic characters conduct their chaotic plan, resulting in an enjoyable bit of family-friendly silliness. Recensie
The action moments are a decent contrast to the over-the-top nature of the villains, though they’re not enough to counteract the generic qualities of the supporting roles and the largely unimpressive outcomes. Recensie
It’s at once infuriating, saddening, inspirational, and triumphant; and during each of these phases, in which it shifts between moods as Annie and Helen’s bond grows through alternating bouts of sternness and generosity, it’s also highly, unforgettably emotional. Recensie
It may be an airy fairy tale, quick and simple, but it’s exquisitely upbeat and sweet, with a perfectly triumphant finale. Recensie
Decent aerial photography, Ford’s committed acting, and Mackie’s ability to handle the lead part aren’t enough to counter how this entire endeavor feels as if a random episode from a serialized TV show, with no discernible beginning or end, merely reveling, momentarily, in fleeting action and showdowns... Recensie
Behind Enemy Lines isn’t one of the great war movies, again and again disrupted by poor editing choices, but it’s still modest entertainment. Recensie
Thanks to the proficiency of the filmmakers here, this ordeal is quite the cinematic entertainment – dramatic, exciting, jittery, unpredictable, emotional, uplifting, and, ultimately, triumphant. Recensie
Masters of the Universe is very much a film that was rushed to production to capitalize on selling merchandise before any reasonable, manageable, good ideas were written into a script. Recensie
None of the ideas fit together nicely; the action, the comedy, and the romance are too poorly intertwined and too contrasting in their contexts to result in a satisfying blend, while the storytelling and scripting are too generic to stand out. Recensie
At least the climax is again a sizable battle – with everything turning out exactly as expected. Recensie
Modest entertainment arises in this epic face-off, but it again emphasizes the plainness of the plot; despite Seabiscuit’s accomplishments mirroring the perseverance of the country in its endeavors to recover from the Great Depression, the match itself still just feels like a horse race. Recensie
Nothing about Arachnia is original or engaging or memorable. Recensie
It may be a simple, unadorned premise, but the morals, the performances, and the striking portrayal of heartening humanity are undeniably winning. Recensie
Comprehensively covering his ups and downs, charting his career, his infidelities, and his tarnished public image, Ray is both educational and inspirational. Recensie
The commentary on optimism, faith, fairness, underlying goodness, and the human spirit makes The Diary of Anne Frank a powerful achievement. Recensie
Some of the characters are designed like cartoons, engaging in slapstick gimmicks, but the main roles aren’t bad at all; there’s an underlying genuineness in their various interactions, even if much of the dialogue is strained, trying its hardest to sound as if pushing boundaries or remaining authentic. Recensie
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