These are all the movies and series that The Massie Twins has reviewed. Read more at: Gone With The Twins.
Number of movie reviews: 1308 / 1308
Thanks to a powerful, stirring score by Justin Hurwitz, these long-awaited, climactic sequences hold considerable weight. Review
This emotional account is woefully timely and perpetually relevant. Review
The scope is grand enough to hope for a full franchise, but the plot just isn’t unique enough to want to see more of Riddick’s missions. Review
Something unique yet not entirely satisfying. Review
It’s an uncommon mix of genuine action and slapstick comedy, complete with a fitting, allegorical message about greed and the human condition. Review
This is probably one of the cheapest, tawdriest of all late-night, last-rate exploitation efforts... Review
Even when A Star is Born is at its most sentimental or manipulative, Gaga remains believable, and her crooning is utterly heartfelt. Review
A potent, powerful work, full of tough questions, tougher answers, and outstanding performances. Review
Tropes are avoided, substituted instead for a nuanced tale of unanticipated growth and senses of obligation dramatically fulfilled. Review
It devolves into a bullet-dodging, body-battering, glass-shattering, scenery-demolishing collection of brawls. Review
A macabre yet funny adventure, though one small enough in its ambitions as to become terribly unmemorable. Review
It’s as horrifying as it is hilarious, even managing to work in a Hitler comparison that, while not a perfect parallel, is a relevant likening worth scrutinizing. Review
It has a hell of a coda, following up a spine-tingling climax with a perversely poetic finale and parting shot. Review
The pacing, the action, and the humor generally offset the deficiencies in continuity and storytelling. Review
It’s routinely frustrating just how often Peppermint opts for anticipated confrontations and escapes rather than artistic deviations from stale cliches. Review
Despite a couple of very minor additions to the formula, the novelty of it all is almost entirely lost. Review
A classic tale of wrongful imprisonment, daring escape, and vigilantism as revenge... Review
It may not be the best of the pirate adventure films, but The Black Swan holds its own against the Errol Flynn pictures of the era. Review
The picture offers up engaging moral conundrums and perspectives on war, from sacrificing human life in pursuit of victory... Review
There are lulls here and there, but the finale hints at the cathartic fantasy of annihilative vengeance... Review
May be slow in spots and unsure of when to cut to black, but its educational and entertainment values are magnificent... Review
Crafting an original story is hardly necessary, since the focus is on perverting typical children’s characters with penis jokes and puppet prison rape japes. Review
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