Dit zijn alle films en series die Jacob heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Film Focus.
Aantal filmrecensies: 489 / 489
A sumptuously beautiful, in-depth and intriguing look at a little known, but critically important piece of history. Recensie
A charming slice of history, presented with humor, warmth and pathos. Recensie
Christian Bale brings an energy and enthusiasm to the project that helps to cover up the comfortability, lack of energy and sheer ineptitude of the rest of this been there, done that project. Recensie
Elvis is a thrill ride, but one anchored by a career-making performance from Austin Butler that sustains you through the twists, turns and gaudy showmanship of Baz Luhrman’s Hounddog scored fever dream. Recensie
Benediction is both admirably slow, deliberate, inquisitive and introspective, and also frustratingly so. Recensie
A charming, thrilling story, but Chris Evans is no Tim Allen. Recensie
Jurassic World: Dominion is the sort of IP draining franchise instalment that sustains itself with fan service, while not only not delivering any sense of the new or creative, but actively subverting the few original ideas in the previous movie to return to familiar paths. Recensie
Beautifully shot, staged and acted, but ultimately unfulfilling period drama. Recensie
Last Seen Alive is poorly produced, with a terrible plot, some horrible characters, and a production quality that beggars belief. It’s also a film single-handedly saved by Gerard Butler, who somehow, amidst this absolute mess, delivers a bit of a fresh take on a character we’ve seen before. Recensie
This animated offshoot feels like an extended TV episode, rather than a cinematic experience. Recensie
An unbelievably good sequel to the classic 80’s film. Recensie
The blend in this mincemeat could have been better, but in the end it’s perfectly edible. Recensie
An underwhelming and largely unambitious take on the multiverse, that throws opts for jump scares and cameos rather than character development and fresh takes. Recensie
Nic Cage is back, with a meta action/comedy that holds your interest, examines his fame, while also adroitly plumbing the depths of his back catalogue. Recensie
The Northman is a breathtakingly beautiful, gorgeously rendered vision that is as bloody and violent as it is strange and unmissable. Recensie
The famed children's book series comes to life in a razor sharp animated piece that will hold parents' attention, as well as that of their kids. Recensie
Mind-boggling multiversal musings ultimately take a backseat to an emotional family tale in this must see movie. Recensie
Big, loud and dumb - but a helluva lot of fun. Recensie
Muddled, with flashes of brilliance, but an overall sense of ‘why?’, Morbius is a film that isn’t so much bad or good, as confusing. Recensie
The Lost City isn’t discovering any new wonders here, but its familiar formula is well-balanced, and frequently hilarious. This is a fun action flick, that we hope heralds the return of the adventure movie. Recensie
The Duke is both a surprising true story, and an ultimately heartwarming nostalgia tale, that may very well steal your heart. Recensie
Heartwarming, funny and surprising, Dog defies expectations. Recensie
Book of Love is trite and cliche, but there’s a kernel of something here that keeps you smiling and enjoying yourself. Recensie
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