Dit zijn alle films en series die Jacob heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Film Focus.
Aantal filmrecensies: 489 / 489
Despite some A+ songs, this musical serves up nothing truly new. Recensie
A gorgeous, slow-burn, erotic Western noir that can’t be put neatly into a little box; and is all the better for it. Recensie
Despite a great lead performance, the pacing and muddled dialogue of this piece fails to entertain. Recensie
Fun and at times engaging, if relatively overplayed and heavy handed, children’s fare. Recensie
Dune is a masterpiece, that has to be seen to be believed. Recensie
A haphazard, shoddy follow-up to the cult hit. Recensie
A gorgeous piece of filmmaking that focuses on the people in this piece, rather than the fighting and setpieces. Recensie
A heavy handed, occasionally moving, look at immigration, citizenship and deportation in the US, anchored in a well performed family drama. Recensie
Sparkling: The Story of Champagne is a baffling documentary that jumps all over the place. For those interested in champagne, this will be tolerable, but one imagines for a general audience this is best reserved for when it debuts on Sunday arvo television. Recensie
Passing is slow, and could be a tough to engage with streaming film, but those who make it through will reap the rewards of a stunningly beautiful, and well acted, drama. Recensie
Last Night In Soho is a joy; thrilling, exciting, beautiful and, ultimately, the sort of movie you’ll think on fondly for weeks after leaving the theatre. Recensie
An electrifying burst of chaotic energy; impossible to look away from. Recensie
A genuinely funny and lovely kids film that occasionally tackles the social media behemoths with sledgehammer subtlety. Recensie
A flawed, but engaging documentary piece, Sumodo -The Successors of Samurai- is a unique traipse into the intriguing world of sumo. Recensie
Three Perfect Daughters has some problematic helicopter parenting, but is a funny take on well-worn material. Recensie
A surprisingly nuanced take on rape culture, told with suitable bravado and violence for a medieval epic. Recensie
A meditative comedy, with a huge but largely misspent cast, nevertheless offers an entertaining reprieve from the day-to-day. Recensie
A somewhat baffling attempt at intertwined destinies, and unavoidable violence. Recensie
A surprisingly calm turn from Nic Cage anchors this affecting drama of one man and his truffle pig. Recensie
Serviceable but unessential viewing, Forever First Love struggles to define its place. Recensie
A semi-biopic that tugs on the heartstrings, while not necessarily practicing what it preaches. Recensie
A new phase for the Marvel Cinematic Universe is heralded by a fun new hero, a strong villain, an exciting film and a hell of a lot of cool action. Recensie
Respect delivers a potent telling of a musical legend, perfectly embodied by Hudson. Recensie
The Ice Road is confusing, full of ridiculous product placement, and produce with all the zest of a lime you cut in half and left in the fridge for the next 8 weeks, but there’s an indescribable nugget of honesty and truth in it that is nevertheless endearing. Recensie
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