Dit zijn alle films en series die Ruth heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: FlixChatter.
Aantal filmrecensies: 622 / 622
The Tragedy of Macbeth exceeds my expectations in every respect and definitely one of the absolute best films of the year. Recensie
One thing for sure, I spent a great deal of time being discombobulated or bored, there were barely any uplifting moments that got me engaged or made me want to cheer. Recensie
No Way Home is a great example of ‘fan service’ done right that make people fall in love with the characters all over again. Recensie
Sing 2 is an enjoyable, lively and life-affirming movie that one can enjoy with the whole family this holiday season. Recensie
As someone who isn’t too familiar with Lucille Ball’s life, I find it quite entertaining and eye-opening in presenting Lucy as a complex artist who weathered the storm during a turbulent period of her professional and personal life. Recensie
This film further proves that Spielberg’s still got it and he is truly a master filmmaker who can thrive in any genre. Recensie
This movie made me laugh and cry, it’s thought-provoking, funny, relatable and emotional, just what every movie should be! Recensie
Obsession, envy, jealousy are all themes explored throughout, but despite its provocative finale, it doesn’t quite mask its superficiality. Recensie
Overall this is a rousing, uplifting biopic with a terrific script and spot-on performances. Recensie
Now, I don’t expect every movie to be award-worthy, but even ‘brainless’ movies ought to still offer some kind of entertainment value, otherwise WHAT IS THE POINT?? Recensie
Overall I find BELFAST entertaining and heartfelt… with plenty of wit and humor to keep things from being too dour. Recensie
Hanks proves once again that he is such a charismatic actor that he could hold the audience’s interest all by himself. Recensie
It’s a truly charming, heartfelt indie film that proves once again that a good story and great performances can elevate a film no matter how small the budget. Recensie
Overall I’m impressed with what Villeneuve has done in bringing his vision of Dune to life. It’s more than just a feast for the eyes, but the narrative delivery offers something thrilling and thought-provoking. Recensie
As for Cumberbatch, though he’s played too many similar characters in his career, he’s still quite good in the role. In fact, he’s competent enough to rise above the uneven direction and still makes a compelling portrait of a true artist that you can’t help root for. Recensie
The filmmaker’s idea of reimagining the events in Prague as his inspiration for Don Giovanni perhaps sounds good on paper, but somehow it doesn’t turn out as compelling as it could have been. Recensie
The Last Duel is a competently-made film, but I couldn’t really give it high marks for the main issues I’ve mentioned, which I think detracts from the progressive female-empowerment theme. Recensie
Equity. Cohen and West’s direction paints a beautiful, moving portrait of an extraordinary life of someone who used her intellect and legal smarts for good, which still benefits many people to this day. Recensie
Unlike his predecessors, Craig’s Bond films shares a plot thread that connect them all, which is quite unprecedented for the franchise. Thus, while Craig’s tenure does not end in an all-time-high fashion, I can say that it’s a bold and memorable finale for a game-changing Bond era. Recensie
I find the story fascinating, but a bit indulgent in its adulation over its subject matter. Recensie
Tracee’s performance feels authentic in that you believe her as a bonafide music superstar, and Dakota brings Maggie’s own personal journey in a believable way. You could do much worse than a feel-good movie with likable characters and wonderful music. Recensie
As The Guilty proves, the minimalist approach can make a great impact when a shrewd script and superb performances meet. Recensie
I enjoyed the movie despite its uneven tone that veers more towards melodrama in the end. Recensie
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