These are all the movies and series that Evan has reviewed.
Number of movie reviews: 548 / 548
Isn’t exactly a great film. However, it is a diverting way to kill an hour and a half in the cheesiest possible way.
A beautiful hymn to a child’s ingenuity and imagination, even amongst the world’s most brutally adverse circumstances.
A great, if rather sad, movie that comes close to being an American equivalent of the British “social realism” movement.
The blackly comic mania still hits the funny bone more often than not.
An enjoyable slice of bloody gangster warfare backed up by a decent cast.
A beautiful and lyrical film which is as disturbing when watched nowadays as it undoubtedly was back then.
Effortlessly enjoyable and it’s easy to see why it was so popular with audiences at the time.
It’s decent enough that it can’t be wholeheartedly dismissed, yet it is never quite satisfying enough to reach true greatness.
A harrowing look at how countries and their inhabitants can degenerate into extremist positions...
An impressively original piece of nerve-shredding cinema.
While the sketches don’t always hit the mark, there’s enough of the good to make it worthwhile.
There is also a distinctively otherworldly vibe to the film.
One of those classic, iconic movies which begs to be watched again and again, if only to savour its memorable highlights and ponder...
Such a generously entertaining popcorn-munching rollercoaster ride that the shortcomings aren’t all that noticeable. Get ready to play!
A genuinely touching and bittersweet tale of star-crossed lovers.
Helmut Berger walks away with the acting honours here...
It’s another piece of cinematic joyousness from a director who has always stamped his own personality on his work - and it’s a great personality.
A relic from the 1980s which could very easily be either loved or hated - but never accused of being boring.
It’s one of those weird gems littered with subtle clues that seems to beg repeated viewings.
Ranks amongst the top tier of the spaghetti western subgenre...
Has a sense of pure, unadulterated fun which makes it easier to watch for an hour and a half when you are in a glum mood.
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