Dit zijn alle films en series die Evan heeft gerecenseerd.
Aantal filmrecensies: 548 / 548
Price turns in one of his finest performances here...
The script and performances hold up very well.
Spielberg really does live by the cinematic maxims of “show, don’t tell” and “less is more”.
Even in 1941 there are occasional salvageable moments amongst the wreckage.
As a straightforward horror film Zombie Flesh Eaters works incredibly well.
A treasure that should take up 34 minutes of the life of anyone with the slightest love of cinema.
Sn’t flawless - it suffers from some rather awkwardly-edited moments - but it still holds up as a superior and imaginative 1970s thriller.
A fast paced and cinematically rich experience for viewers of any age.
There’s a good deal of method to the madness, however, as the myriad twists and turns are cleverly worked out.
A truly Shakespearean, heartrending tragedy interwoven with wider themes that touch on today’s world...
It has an undeniable sense of fun and humour which gives it a pass despite its occasionally cheap look.
Kyle Mooney displays both fine comic timing and a bittersweet sense of humanity in the lead...
Another twisted triumph from Takashi Miike...
There are a lot of good ingredients in Pulp but it doesn’t blend into a particularly tasty or satisfying dish.
It’s contrived and predictable but in the most unashamedly enjoyable way imaginable.
A must for anyone who has ever been, and/or raised, a misunderstood youth.
A crude and sloppy film but that doesn’t mean it’s not entertaining.
Something very distinctively Lynch and frankly confounding until you let it sink in and connect on an entirely subconscious plane.
Bow down in awe and reverence at its pure unfettered awfulness!
A fine release of a criminally overlooked film...
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