Dit zijn alle films en series die Evan heeft gerecenseerd.
Aantal filmrecensies: 548 / 548
On the sluggish side but still worth seeing mainly for the story, Voight’s performance and some tense moments of action.
It’s a truly emotive and passionate work - not in the sense of being manipulative but in the sense of a pure poetry and artistry which has gone into every single moment of screen time.
May not be a perfect horror film but it is certainly a cut above average. It’s gruesome, atmospheric and intelligent all at once.
Solidly recommended to both Fritz Lang and film noir fans.
It tells a truly eye-opening and socially important tale in a manner which entertains and disturbs in equal measure.
Has a bit more depth and is better constructed than the first film but, on the downside, doesn’t offer quite as much in the way of pure, unfettered fun.
A textbook example of the reasons why Jackie Chan became firmly established as one of Asia’s biggest movie stars during the 1980s.
Worth a look if you want something vaguely horror-esque but different from the usual.
As courtroom dramas go, this one definitely stands right up there with the best. It’s grand and superbly acted entertainment.
An underrated gem with great camerawork, effective spine chills and fine acting.
While it’s extremely difficult to rate objectively, the critical slating which it received is understandable.
A pretty weak excuse for a film and is only worthy of any note for its inordinate level of gore.
An intelligent and brutal entry in Paul Verhoeven’s filmography...
Burt Lancaster turns in one of his best performances of his career...
This violent and interestingly deglamourised gangster flick is marred by its rather unlikeable and opaque central character, not to mention its ugly sexual politics.
A dubious and largely racist historical potboiler.
A fierce and intelligent depiction of the ugly cruelties of war.
Unfortunately, it’s significantly less interesting than Blood Island.
A gripping and grueling wartime drama graced with a suitably stoic, yet tangibly human lead performance by André Morell.
The best action movie to come out in a long time. Sit back and enjoy the ride.
Possesses enough surreal magic to make it well worth a look for any movie buff.
A rich and imaginative work which will delight some but leave others cold.
Alice Sweet Alice, despite its flaws, is an intriguing tale of terror for him to leave us alone in the dark with.
Just enjoy the acting, the steamy sex scenes, the burst of fast-paced action...
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