Dit zijn alle films en series die Hope heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Maddwolf.
Aantal filmrecensies: 1032 / 1032
Smart and relevant. It doesn’t leave you guessing and won’t satisfy your bloodlust... Recensie
CGI mixes with the stop-action to rob the film of some character, but Early Man has charm to spare. Recensie
Bening and Bell generate honest chemistry while imbuing their characters with relatable flaws and beauty. Recensie
Though Bale and most of the supporting players deliver quietly devastating performances, their arcs feel more than forced. They feel patronizing. Recensie
An interesting, deeply human, beautifully acted and quite surprising battle for Alpha. Recensie
A remarkable dance, intimately told and flawlessly performed. Recensie
Taylor’s frantic pace and hiccupping camera mirror Cage’s lunatic energy, and clever writing toys with our expectations while delivering a surprisingly transgressive film. Recensie
Not a novelty or a trifle. It’s a rock-solid documentary, well-paced and informative. And it is nuts. Recensie
It’s a Liam Neeson movie. What do you want? Recensie
Spielberg’s passion and polish come together here as an expertly crafted rallying cry. He’s preaching to the choir, but he preaches so well. Recensie
Everything runs out of steam at some point. Here’s hoping this franchise has run out of doors to open. Recensie
A solid, finely acted tribute to an man whose bold artistry made him a cultural icon. Recensie
Sorkin is everywhere, which is not necessarily a bad thing if you like sharp performances about smart people doing fascinating things. Recensie
As genuinely if superficially enjoyable as The Greatest Showman is, there is something unseemly in embracing so tidy a view. Recensie
There are passably enjoyable moments. The rest of it is mainly insufferable: catty, meandering and needless. Recensie
It lacks the gut-punch or cinematic mastery of Nolan’s film, but it does boast one hell of a performance. Recensie
It looks good, bears a social conscience and remains more or less true to the simple “be who you are” core... Recensie
A beautiful ode to outsiders, love and doing what you must. Recensie
Strikes a sweet balance between embarrassment and affection that the film maintains throughout... Recensie
Offers an unsettling vision of self-discovery that’s simultaneously familiar and unique. Recensie
A gripping film that lacks substance, a well-told reiteration on the same theme. Recensie
It’s a movie that refuses to stay with you. The final image is provocative, but even that won’t help you remember I Remember You. Recensie
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