Dit zijn alle films en series die Olivia heeft gerecenseerd. Lees meer op: Geek Ireland.
Aantal filmrecensies: 147 / 147
Ford was a fantastic addition to the cast, and really upped the ante in terms of the performances, with everyone, especially Mackie, rising to the occasion. However, we can't help but feel that the film is more of a filler than actually adds much to the over-arching storyline in the MCU... Recensie
The War of the Rohirrim is a spectacular achievement and it perfectly balances aspects of both styles, meaning fans of Lord of the Rings and anime will be equally pleased with the results. Recensie
Wicked Part One is a spectacular adaptation that has moments for eagle-eyed fans and also makes its own mark on well-known property. Recensie
These are roles that illustrate just what incredible talents these men are, both of whom are more well known for one particular role, and their solid performances really anchor the film even more in reality. Recensie
As for the story, it will melt even the coldest of hearts on the darkest winter's day with its warmth, creative humour, and special message at the core. Recensie
Overall, it's a bitter pill to swallow to see the magnificance of Joker be followed-up by something so weak, but maybe that's what Phillips was going for, and this is actually a way of showing us how numb the asylum inmates get when on the drugs they're given. Recensie
Alien: Romulus is a thrilling and brilliant watch up until the last 15 minutes, give or take, but alas, it fumbles the landing leaving us feeling cheated out of a truly epic addition to the franchise. Recensie
It's jam-packed with geek culture that will make your heart sing, and a soundtrack that will make your mouth do the same. Recensie
Abigail is a really fun horror that might not scare the living daylights out of you, but will creep you out like there's no tomorrow. Highly recommended. Recensie
The film is spectacular to look at, with amazing cinematography and stellar special effects, but we can't help but feel that because Denis Villeneuve is such a big fan of the books, he wanted to include everything as opposed to taking a sharper edit to the story. Recensie
If you're just looking for something to take your mind off the state of the world, this would be our recommendation. It really is stupidly fun. Recensie
Gran Turismo isn't going to be a game-changer for cinema, but if you're already into gaming and motorsport, it's an enjoyable enough film. That being said, we can't call it a good film, it's just... fine. Recensie
It will tick a number of boxes for die-hard fans and will engage and entertain those who are just coming along for the ride as well, which is exactly what you want from a franchise that is as iconic as TMNT. Recensie
You will laugh, cry, hear some home truths and maybe even find yourself with answers to your own life problems — The Barbie Movie literally covers everything! Recensie
Oppenheimer is a masterclass on how powerful cinema can be and if Nolan can make Quantum Theory as interesting and fairly understandable as this, then who knows what else he can do. Recensie
It certainly worth the jaunt to the cinema to go see, but manage those expectations. The Flash will make you laugh, cry, facepalm, be frustrated and applaud, but it remains to be seen just how much of a 'reset' button the film really is. Recensie
Considering there are now seven films in the live-action Transformers franchise, you'd be forgiven for thinking their time is done, but with some clever and well-executed action sequences, along with a few chuckles, Rise of the Beasts is actually better than some of its predecessors. Recensie
Even though the film is stunning, it suffers a little from Avatar syndrome — no matter how pretty something is to look at, it doesn't need to be too long. Recensie
There will be tears, there will be laughs, there is a banging soundtrack — all of the ingrediants that make Guardians of the Galaxy the franchise that it is. Recensie
The storyline is very linear and somewhat basic, and all the jokes are aimed for the young and not the young at heart, so while you might release a slight chuckle here and there, you won't have any moments where you're laughing and the children around you are asking what's so funny. Recensie
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is an excellent addition to the world of D&D. The film captures the magic of the game perfectly, and it is a must-watch for all fans of the game and those who enjoy an exciting adventure story. Recensie
John Wick 4 is a thrilling and satisfying addition to the franchise, delivering on all fronts with its intricate world-building, intense action, and compelling characters. Recensie
Overall, Scream VI is a great addition to the franchise and while it won't be people's favourite, it will be a success... Recensie
Parts are absolutely brilliant and then others are a little disappointing, with the dodgy CGI segments in a production of this size still being an issue. It's a mixed bag overall, but knowing now what the plan of action is for the Multiverse Saga, we're still just as excited to see what unfolds. Recensie
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