These are all the movies and series that Vincent has reviewed. Read more at: Qwipster's Movie Reviews.
Number of movie reviews: 4223 / 4223
All we care about is whether we find the film amusing, especially in how often it will deliver on its promise of big laughs. Review
Unfortunately, that tone is a bit too much on the uneven side in this entry, as the balance between slapstick antics and very... Review
Reportedly, the makers of the film could not afford his usual price for his scores, but Horner was so taken with the story that... Review
Paper Towns is supposed to make those who follow its story want to live a life of fulfillment outside of our comfort zone. Review
Even if it ultimately is a second-tier Marvel film, it is successful on both of its goals, which makes Ant-Man a success even... Review
Schumer shows that, along with her Comedy Central show, Inside Amy Schumer, that she will likely have legs in the entertainment... Review
Nothing envisioned in the creative mind of Burton is nearly as bizarre as the way films get produced by Hollywood. Review
An interesting insider's look at the process of filmmaking, and of how surefire projects can all go wrong. Review
Instead of using her training at hand-to-hand combat, these young hardened killers are drugged with a concoction that makes,... Review
Not even the dweebiest of dweebs would do something like that, and how pathetic he is might be further compounded by the fact,,... Review
It also deftly explains just enough on how the process works without over explaining the rules, allowing the audience to suspend... Review
For those who love films about dragons and wizards, and especially kitsch from the early 1980s, it has a bit of a cult following... Review
The action sequences defy rationale or physics, such as a running jump off a cliff and only helicopter cargo that not even Carl... Review
Jason Clarke, no relation to Emilia, does make for a formidable John Connor, but what they do with the character of John Connor... Review
-- There are some additional scenes toward the beginning of the end credits, and a musical stinger after the credits. Review
-- The Special Edition re-installs 28 minutes of scenes meant for the theatrical release that were excised for time,... Review
-- There is yet another throwback joke at the conclusion of the end credits. Review
I can guarantee that any hate mail I receive for my pan of Max will be a political diatribe rather than a point-by-point defense... Review
A failed experiment that solely exists for fans of Ferrell and Wiig who are curious... Review
A failed experiment that solely exists for fans of Ferrell and Wiig... Review
Certainly, this is a movie that can be enjoyed for the basic interactions, both comedic and dramatic, of the various,,,,... Review
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